A car has driven into a house in Ål

9 April 2023 at 20:47 A car has driven into a house in Ål – person transported by air ambulance A car has driven into a house in Ål in Hallingdal, the police write on Twitter. An air ambulance has arrived at the scene, and one person is flown to hospital. The condition of the person concerned is described by operations manager Øyvind Hammervold as serious. He does not know the condition of the other person in the car, or whether there is material damage to the car and the house as a result of the accident. According to Hammervold, the two people in the car were not trapped. – We still haven’t received any identity and we’re still not one hundred percent sure of the identification number on the car, so I don’t know more about the two, says Hammervold to news. A road in the area is closed in both directions as a result of the accident. The police received a report about the accident at 8.25pm ​​on Sunday.
