A boathouse with four people blew into the sea in Å in Lofoten – news Nordland

A sea shed blew into the sea in the fishing village of Å in Moskenes at the far end of Lofoten late Sunday evening. Four people ended up in the sea. It was people in the neighboring cabins who alerted the emergency services, and the fire brigade, police and ambulance moved out. – The people are not seriously injured, but the people are in shock. They have been in the water. They are looked after by health personnel on site, says operations manager Ina Selfors in the Nordland police district to news. According to Lofotposten, the people involved are French, who probably rented the sea shed. In an update on Monday night, the police write that those involved have been taken to the hospital in Gravdal Lofoten for further checks. It is very windy in the area and the police have decided to evacuate several sea stalls, which are right down to the sea. Only the foundation of the cabin that blew into the sea on Sunday night remains. Photo: Tommy Johansen – There are five sea stalls at the campsite. Four of them are rented out. All the people in these sea sheds have been evacuated to houses on the spot, the police write in an update, just after 23.30. The police received a report about the incident at 10.34pm on Sunday evening. This is what it looked like last night when the police were on the scene where the cabin blew into the sea. Photo: Police Flight had to make an emergency landing in Tromsø The storm in northern Norway has also created challenges for air traffic. An SAS plane had problems when it went in to land at Tromsø Airport and three others were struck by lightning. The aircraft had to abort after one landing attempt and then made a controlled emergency landing due to strong winds and icing in the air. That is according to SAS’ communications director, Karin Nyman. No one was injured and the plane landed safely at the airport at 9.37pm. Three planes hit by lightning The weather conditions have caused problems for several flights in Tromsø. This afternoon three planes were struck by lightning when they were about to land at the airport. The airlines confirm this to news. The emergency services rushed to the airport after this SAS plane had problems during the approach. Photo: Ida Louise Rostad / news It was Widerøe’s two flights from Bergen and Stokmarknes, and Norwegian’s flight from Oslo that were affected by the lightning strikes. – The plane is built to withstand a lightning strike, but it is also procedure after a lightning strike that a technician must go over the plane to ensure that there is no damage, says director of communications in Widerøe, Silje Brandvoll. Many passengers had to wait a long time at the airport because of this. Two of the three planes that were struck by lightning took off again from Tromsø four hours after the scheduled time. At least 28 departures and landings have been delayed and 14 flights have been canceled due to the weather conditions in Tromsø on Sunday. Several flights are delayed from Tromsø Airport on Sunday evening. Photo: Inghild Eriksen / news – Unpleasant Brandvoll says that you feel it well when lightning strikes an airplane. – It is terribly unpleasant when lightning strikes an airplane, because there is a bang and a flash of light, but the airplanes are built to withstand it. That is why we always routinely offer a debrief to the public after a lightning strike, explains Brandvoll. There should not have been any technical failure of the aircraft engines when the lightning struck, due to the aircraft’s lightning conductors. Silje Brandvoll is director of communications in Widerøe. Photo: Ola Helness Several flooded roads in Trøndelag – It is quite wet in large parts of our district, says Stian Gullvåg to news. He is a traffic operator at Vegtrafikksentralen Midt, where they have a lot to do today. On Sunday, several danger warnings were sent out due to heavy rainfall in Trøndelag. Throughout the county, there is a yellow danger warning for rainfall, floods, and landslides, mudslides and flash floods. Between Stjørdal and Steinkjer, these warnings are orange. This creates trouble on the roads in several places, especially in the north of the county. These roads are closed due to flooding: County road 6374 from Einbakkbrua up to Kvitlia in Indre Fosen County road 6434 between Hafsmoneset and Mjønesaunet at Asphaugen south of the Flesvik junction County road 714 between Gangåsen and Hitra has a closed field at the southern end of Våvatnet Several roads in Trøndelag flooding as a result of heavy rain on Sunday. May be closed at short notice The water is also flooding the road in several sections, but as of now it is possible to pass all these places. The designated section is the E6 between Snåsa and Gartland. Here, the contractor works continuously to direct the water into the water into the ditch and out into the side terrain. – They carry out measures to clean the ditches and open up the plow edges, so that the water can flow out into the side terrain and out of the roadway, says Gullvåg. There is a lot of slush and water in the roadway on the E6 in Snåsa. Photo: Statens vegvesen These sections may be closed at short notice due to a lot of water in the road: Fylkesveg 720 Olsøykrysset and Foss Fylkesveg 720 between Malm and Verrabotn Fylkesveg 6924 and 6330 between Malm and Åfjord – It is not recommended that passenger cars drive on these sections now , writes Vegtrafikksentralen in the middle of Twitter. These sections have areas with a lot of water in the roadway, but are still open: E6 between Snåsa and Gartland E6 between Kvithammer and Stjørdalen E14 at Trobekkneset Fylkesveg 718 between Rissa and Hasselvika at Galgeneset People are asked to stay updated A lot of meltwater and rainwater increases the risk of aquaplaning and can hinder accessibility. Gulvåg asks people to be aware if they are going out for a drive today. – Today it is very important to keep up to date with traffic reports, either via the radio channel news Trafikk or that you follow the website 175.no, where we constantly publish updated traffic reports, says Gullvåg. If you should come across an area with a lot of water, you should bear this in mind: – Then you should at least have your speed reduced considerably to reduce the risk of aquaplaning, so that you do not lose control of the vehicle. – If you come to a stretch and don’t know how deep it is, it makes sense not to drive over. It is, after all, linked to the risk of breakdowns in cars. Then you should possibly stop assessing the depth so that you don’t take any unnecessary chances.
