– A black day in Hordaland district court – news Vestland

A man in his 30s stands accused of gross mistreatment of his son. The boy was 7 years old when he was found tied to a bed in August 2022. On Monday, the man refused to answer whether he admits criminal guilt, while the defender says he thinks he is irresponsible. On the second day of the trial, the police will show several of the many hundreds of pictures that the accused man took of his own injured son. – This is a black day in Hordaland district court. I’m going to cry, says aid lawyer May Britt Løvik. Assistance lawyer May Britt Løvik and expert Andreas Georg Kjerstad. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news Charges for punches and kicks The press has a record ban against reproducing the content of photos showing the injuries to the boy. Løvik encourages the press not to see the picture because it is so hideous. The police state that the roughness in the car escalates towards the August day the boy was found. – The picture is getting rougher and rougher in the last week, says Superintendent of Police Andreas Lervik. According to the indictment, the injuries could have been life-threatening for the boy, had he not received medical treatment. Among other things, the man is accused of kicking and hitting bare skin with his hand, belt, electric cable on various parts of the body. – There is no evidence that anyone other than the accused has carried out the murder, says Lervik about the investigation. The father made early contact with Nav Tysdag starts with the police presenting a timeline from when the boy arrived in the country at the end of June until he was found on 7 August 2022. There they show pictures from the defendant’s mobile phone, Whatsapp messages and information from mobile traffic and toll crossings. In the statement to the police, it appears that the man contacted Nav shortly after the son arrived in the country for family reunification. He asked about what he should do, and received, among other things, advice about applying for a school place. A week later, he is in contact with the child protection service.
