– A bit disrespectful – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

It was during the national anthem – with, among others, Crown Prince Håkon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit in the picture – that several Brann supporters chose not to sing along to the national anthem. Instead, they sang songs like “Bergen city is beautiful”. Because while most people, in keeping with tradition, chose to sing along to “Yes, we love this country” just before the start of the cup final, several Brann supporters stood to sing their “own” anthems. – A bit disrespectful The stunt has caused a stir and caused several people to react. REACTS: Ingrid Moe Wold is used to singing the national anthem from her time in the national team. Photo: Annika Byrde/NTB / NTB – I guess I’m one of the people who doesn’t think it was so bad. The national anthem is a very big part of our country and I think that at a sports event like that they could let it go, said news expert and former national team player Ingrid Moe Wold. news’s ​​football expert Carl-Erik Torp believes the supporters can sing their own songs outside of when the national anthem is played. – I think it’s a bit disrespectful. When the national anthem is sung, it is an important and big moment for the players. The supporters’ shouts are also met with reactions from players after the match. – You should sing the national anthem and have respect for it, I think, says Stabæk goalkeeper Sunniva Skoglund – I think they are supporters. They must support what they believe in. So it’s nice, says Fire captain Tuva Hansen. JUBILEE: Tuva Hansen and teammate in ecstasy when they received the proof of the cup triumph. Here together with Crown Princess Mette-Marit, who stands in the background on the left. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB – We have to put up with that Leader of the Fire supporter group Bataljonen, Erlend Ytre-Arne Vågane, justified the choice of song during the break of the cup final. – We are from Bergen and we do not recognize that the state of Norway has become anything other than a state with Bergen as its capital. So then there will be Bergen songs during the national anthem. So not everyone is equally happy with that, but we have to put up with that, he says to news ANSWERS: Erlend Ytre-Arne Vågane explains the supporter’s shouts during the national anthem. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news – Do you realize that people can react a little to that? – Sure, but we’re from Bergen and we can stand it, replies the supporter leader. – Little thought through It was reported that more than 5,000 spectators were present at the Ullevaal stadium during the cup final. One of them was Bergens Tidende commentator Anders Pamer, who shakes his head at the stunt of the Brann supporters. – I think it’s strange. I’m from Bergen myself, but I find this strange. Pamer is clear in his speech when he believes that one should sing the national anthem or be silent on the occasion. CRITICAL: Anders Pamer thinks little of the behavior of the Brann supporters. Photo: news – I think this applies to the Brann supporters as well. If they do not identify themselves, then they must remain silent, out of respect for those who do. He further points out: – It was poorly thought out. With the crown prince in the stands as well, I don’t think it worked out. Brann eventually won the cup final against Stabæk 3-1.
