A 2.5 kilometer long ice jam blocks the Stjørdalselva

The change in weather in Trøndelag means that a lot of ice has loosened. A large ice jam has formed in Stjørdalselva in Hegra. Tove Berg Fornes discovered the ice and water on the farm when she was going to work. Photo: Morten Andersen / news Tove Berg Fornes lives on the farm north of Fornes and noticed the water and ice when she was going to work this morning. – We were only able to drive a short distance before we encountered water and lumps of ice. We made it to the courtyard, but there we saw that there was a lot of ice by the fence, says Fornes. Over the course of the day, more water and ice have arrived on the farm. – There is 20-30 centimeters of water in some of the houses on the farm. We got something out, but not everything. Something is broken, she says. She talks about enormous powers in the ice masses. – For a while it was a bit dramatic. You have nothing to show for. Evacuating people Both the police, the fire service and Stjørdal municipality are now on site to monitor the water and ice. A representative from NVE has also come to the site to give advice on what to do next. The latest reports from the site are that the water is rising and has now risen so much that the police have decided to evacuate some of the people who live around the river. – We are probably talking about 4-5 people and a couple of dogs evacuating themselves now, says operations manager Anlaug Oseid at Trøndelag police district. Several closed roads – As of now, Forradalsvegen is closed. In addition, a number of private roads are closed, says traffic operator Runar Kvalshaug at Veitrafikksentralen to news. E14 to Sweden is not closed. – The water has receded a little further recently, says Kvalshaug. Several roads are closed. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news
