A woman was found injured after the chainsaw murder in Nordland – is herself charged with attempted murder last year – news Nordland

Last week, the murder alarm went off in Nordland. When the police arrived at a private address in Grane municipality, the police found Henrik L. Laukholm Solli (33) dead, one injured woman and one other man. The latter is now charged with murdering Solli and attempted murder against the woman. – My client has explained himself in police questioning about the events in Grane. He acknowledges the actual circumstances, but does not acknowledge criminal guilt. That does not change because the police have expanded the charges, says the accused’s defender Jonas Berge. Berge has previously stated that his client defended himself when he feared for his own life. Defendant’s defense: – Does not plead guilty Photo: Sturlason AS Polyfoto – On Thursday, my client attended an initial questioning where he explained his experience of what happened on Tuesday evening. He acknowledges the actual circumstances, but does not acknowledge criminal guilt, says lawyer Jonas Berge at Elden Advokatfirma. The accused himself notified the police about the incident. He has explained that he felt threatened by the victim, and that he feared for his own life prior to the incident, writes the law firm. – The accused takes note that the court concluded that he should be remanded in custody for four weeks. Although he pleads not guilty, and therefore asked to be released, he understands that the police need some time to investigate this case, says lawyer Jonas Berge at Elden Advokatfirma. Forensic psychiatric experts have been appointed to assess the accused’s sanity. – My client takes the situation very seriously and is very involved. I follow up that he also receives the necessary health care in the situation he is in, says lawyer Berge. During the investigation, the police seized a number of items, including a chainsaw. The police also believe that the deceased has injuries that could be compatible with the use of a chainsaw. – Large resources are still set aside to work on this serious criminal case. In the future, the police will prioritize continuing with questioning witnesses and reviewing seizures, says police attorney Jonas Nerdal. Support lawyer: – She is in shock The offended woman’s support lawyer Erik Lea says his client is shaken after the incident. – She is in shock and traumatized. It is not everyday to see a friend killed with a chainsaw. Then she tries to intervene, but you can imagine how easily she intervenes against someone using a chainsaw. It is almost completely hopeless. Then she herself is attacked. It’s a crazy experience, says Lea. news can now say that the aggrieved woman from the murder incident in Grane has herself been charged with attempted murder last year. The police are now investigating the murder case in Grane with great resources. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen / news Charged with attempted murder – pleads not guilty In February 2023, a woman in her 40s was found seriously injured at an address in Mo i Rana. A couple of days later, a man and a woman were arrested by the police, charged with attempted murder and produced for detention. The woman is the same one who was offended in the Grane case. The case has been fully investigated and sent to the public prosecutor, but has been postponed three times pending charges. State prosecutor Jorild Steindal stated to Helgeland Blad at the end of September that she hoped to bring an indictment within a short time. Lawyer Erik Lea is also defending the woman in the case in which she is charged, and says that his client pleads not guilty. – I have claimed right from the start that there is no basis for charging her with attempted murder, or for bringing charges. As the case has been postponed several times, you can make up your mind about it, he says. Previously convicted of violence In addition to being charged with attempted murder in February 2023, she has been convicted of a number of matters from the past, including violence against private individuals and the police in the period 2009–2012. These convictions have resulted in community penalties and imprisonment. The woman has also been convicted of several offenses in recent times: In 2021, she was convicted of violence against another person, several traffic offenses and for using drugs. She was sentenced to 30 days in prison In 2023, she was convicted of a number of offences, including resisting arrest and attempting to bite a police officer’s hand. A frantic car chase is also described in the judgment. Here the woman is said to have driven at high speed on only three wheels on the car, refused to stop for the police’s nail mat and ended up with the police having to drive the car off the road to stop the journey. She was sentenced to seven months’ unconditional imprisonment. In 2023, she and another man were charged with attempted murder after a woman in her 40s was found badly injured at an address in Mo i Rana. The case has been fully investigated, but the state attorney has not yet brought charges in the case. Murder accused convicted of violence several times The man in his 30s, who is now charged with murder and attempted murder, has also previously been convicted of a number of matters – including violence. In August 2024, he was convicted of reckless behavior towards another person, as well as several violations of the Road Traffic Act. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison. In 2015, he was convicted of violence against another person, as well as drug offences. He was sentenced to prison for 90 days. In 2014, he was convicted of violence against another person, in addition to drugs. Here, too, the penalty was 90 days in prison. In 2012, he was convicted of stealing and/or damaging several vehicles. In total, the court sentenced him to prison for 60 days. In 2011, he was convicted of a number of matters, including theft, breach of the Road Traffic Act, drug possession and possession of a knife. For all the conditions, he was sentenced to prison for 90 days. Published 28.10.2024, at 18.29
