157 companies – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Torgeir Micaelsen was for many years one of the Labor Party’s most central politicians in the Storting, including as head of the finance committee. The 45-year-old from Mjøndalen had twelve years behind him in national politics when in 2017 he switched to work in the private business world. A few weeks ago he made a comeback in politics, as state secretary for Labor in the Ministry of Digitalization and Administration. Then he came straight from Try Dig, which is the technology company of the communications agency Try. In his time as customer director, advisor and working chairman of the company, Micaelsen has had a number of technology companies on his client list. A total of 157 companies are on the list to which news has gained access via Try. It has previously also been reproduced in the online newspaper Altinget. When asked by news whether he is disqualified in relation to all these companies, he replies that his disqualification must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. – It is not only former customers, but also other relationships such as friendship, non-friendship and kinship, which can make people incompetent. I therefore have to assess my own competence in each individual case, and I will ask for support from the civil service to make these assessments, Micaelsen replies. Will receive training news has also asked the Ministry of Digitalization and Administration questions about Micaelsen’s customers. The ministry refers the Prime Minister’s office for an answer. – Does the ministry have a full overview of all actors that Micaelsen has advised or worked with as a result of his work in Try or in other parts of the private business world? – The customer lists of Torgeir Micaelsen and Try are open. We refer them to them on this issue, says State Secretary Kristoffer Thoner (Ap) to news. STØRE ADVISOR: State Secretary Kristoffer Thoner (Ap). Photo: NTB – Have any competence or role conflicts been uncovered related to Micaelsen? – Torgeir Micaelsen has been open about his customer relations. Everyone who works in the administration must assess their own competence on a case-by-case basis, Micaelsen must also do that, says Thoner. – It is not only former customers, but also other relationships such as friendship, non-friendship and kinship, which can make people incompetent, says Støre’s advisor. Thoner says that no employer can have a full overview of possible ties, and that the individual must therefore assess his own competence in each individual case. – Micaelsen will receive training in how he can assess his competence and can request support from the civil service to make these assessments. – This does not hold. In recent years, the Government has experienced several scandals where ministers have had to resign as a result of corruption. Rødt’s Seher Aydar, who sits on the control and constitution committee at the Storting, is critical of the answers from the Prime Minister’s office. – This does not hold. The Prime Minister’s office must answer what they have done to investigate ties to Micaelsen, she says to news. – When the government first gets a state secretary from the PR industry, they at least owe the population a better answer than this. It goes without saying that everyone who works in the administration must assess their own competence. CRITICAL: Rødt’s Seher Aydar sits on the control and constitution committee at the Storting. Photo: Vetle Mathiesen Knutsen / news Rødt-toppen believes the government cannot let the companies themselves decide whether it should be public who a member of the government has worked for. – It is far too lax of the government to leave it up to the lobby companies even if they want to play with open cards or not. Aydar believes the case once again shows the need for a public lobby register. Rødt calls for the government to deliver on what the Storting has requested, namely a mandatory register of government members’ previous clients, and what the assignments entailed. – Transparency is absolutely crucial if, after a series of integrity scandals from changing governments, we are to succeed in restoring trust, says Aydar. – Natural demarcation Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) has repeatedly criticized the revolving door between PR and politics. Most recently, when he asked Frps Tor Mikkel Wara in the Political Quarter on Thursday to present his customer lists from the years in First House. – Do you agree with Vedum that transitions between PR and politics can create dilemmas and ties? – I myself come from the IT and technology company TRY Dig, where I worked full-time from the summer of 2022. In TRY Dig, I have been customer director, working chairman of the board and advisor. The company is an IT and technology supplier with just under 100 employees and delivers services such as website and application development, online shopping solutions and UX design, Micaelsen replies in an email. Published 21.10.2024, at 06.10
