Sebastian (18) and Sigurd (18) have made a “canteen/Kæntish statement” at Hadeland VGS in Gran – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary The Russian president at Hadeland upper secondary school has together with the vice-president made the “Kæntish declaration”, a declaration with rules for behavior in the canteen to prevent, among other things, chaos and exclusion. They were inspired to create the Declaration after a history class about the American Revolution. Lockouts and noise in canteens is a known problem at several upper secondary schools in Norway, and there has been a case where a school had to close the canteen because of this. The Russian board at Hadeland upper secondary school believes that exclusion has not been a major problem at their school, but they want to prevent it from becoming one. Several are positive about the measure. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We have made a small declaration that we call the “Kæntish declaration” to lay down some basic rules for how we should behave in the canteen, says Sebastian Hammer-Larsen. This year, he is Russian president at Hadeland upper secondary school. Together with fellow student and vice-president Sigurd Linstad Ludvigsen, they took the initiative to take care of the mess that often appeared in the canteen. It ended with five, somewhat humorous, but also serious paragraphs. Read the whole: KÆNTISH DECLARATION Kæntish chair rule §1. An individual’s place/chair at the table is no longer his if he/she chooses to leave the school building or is absent for more than 10 minutes. If this happens, another individual is allowed to take the place/chair of the previous owner. Table manners rule §2. Disruptive eating and drinking behavior such as smacking with the mouth, poor hygiene and splashing with water bottles and other tools will not be tolerated in Kentish. The lunch box rule §3. If an individual brings a smelly packed lunch, they are required to inform their fellow celebrities. The clean-up rule §4. It is required that a celebrity individual clean up after herself, if she/he/she has plastic, food scraps and miscellaneous (so-called mess) left behind on the celebrity’s table. Exclusion/bullying rule §5. Banning and/or bullying another individual in Kentish is strictly prohibited. This applies, for example, to not allowing a fellow celebrity to sit where the individual wishes, as well as all forms of bullying. Source: Russen at Hadeland VGS – It has worked quite well, say the two boys, who are Russ this year. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news – The exclusion and bullying rule is important to have an inclusive environment in the canteen, says the Russian president. They got the inspiration from a history lesson. – There we had about the American revolution and declarations, and then we came up with the idea that we could invent such an invention, says Ludvigsen. The canteen declaration has been adopted, say Russian President Sebastian Hammer-Larsen and Vice President Sigurd Linstad Ludvigsen. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Ukulture in several school canteens The pursuit of status in canteens is a well-known phenomenon at several upper secondary schools around the country. In Kristiansand, several students were suspended on the app Jodel if they sat at the “wrong” table in the canteen in August last year. In Horten, Sandefjord and Oslo, there has also been a battle for the coolest table in the canteen. In Hokksund, the school had to close the canteen due to bullying and exclusion. Recently, news also wrote about several students opting out of upper secondary schools because of table pressure in the canteen. Elsewhere, there have also been first-graders who are “welcomed” with food wars in the canteen: Nine out of ten young people from secondary school to upper secondary school answered in this year’s Ung data survey that they have a good life and that very many have good friends and enjoy school. At the same time, the survey shows record high numbers of bullying compared to previous measurements. The report surveys experiences of bullying, threats and ostracism among young people. The proportion of boys who bully others has also increased, both at secondary school and upper secondary school. Think more people should do the same At Hadeland upper secondary school, this exclusion has not been such a big problem, think the two who are on the Russian board. However, they do not want anything to happen. – We don’t want it to go that way, says Sigurd Linstad Ludvigsen. Do you think such a statement could work in a school canteen? Yes, I think so!😊 Not sure, but I hope it will be followed 😇 Good initiative, but I don’t quite believe in it. 🤔 Show result – How are you going to follow this? – It’s just that we have to follow along, and then you quickly see if it’s messy or not. It may not be as easy to see if someone is being banned or bullied. But we can ask people, or get them to sit with us in the canteen and have lunch, he says further. Sebastian Hammer-Larsen continues by saying that you should be inclusive in general. Both believe it is a good initiative and that more people should do the same. – Really encourages it, says Hammer-Larsen. Sebastian Hammer-Larsen and Sigurd Linstad Ludvigsen clean up the canteen. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Positive about the measure There are several people who are positive about the measure. – That students focus on exclusion and outsiders at school, I think that is a positive thing, says Brede Skogbakken. He is the student and apprentice representative for upper secondary education in Innlandet, and says that they are aware that schools have challenges related to permanent seating for the various grades at upper secondary. There are tables for the various levels at upper secondary school, but no one takes it up and people can sit there if they want, the two boys believe. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news According to Skogbakken, there has been a lot of uncertainty about placement – about where students are allowed to sit and where they cannot sit. Principal Elisabeth Raastad Kjørven at Hadeland upper secondary school says that there are certain groupings around the tables. – I think that the canteen area can quickly be an area where you feel a little uncertain about where to sit. Sigurd Linstad Ludvigsen, principal Elisabeth Raastad Kjørven and Sebastian Hammer-Larsen. Headmaster Kjørven wonders how the pupils are supposed to follow up the section on smelly packed lunches. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news She is satisfied with the initiative for the students. – I think it is a very, very good student initiative, so we support it, without a doubt. Published 17.10.2024, at 11 a.m
