Now it will be decided whether Sissel Knutsen Hegdal will be allowed to resign as mayor of Stavanger – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The exemption has been adopted unanimously, says deputy mayor Henrik Halleland (KrF). Over a month after Sissel Knutsen Hegdal announced that she would step down as mayor of Stavanger, it was finally decided today. At 2 pm the city council met in Stavanger. The first issue was to grant the updated exemption application to former Stavanger mayor Sissel Knutsen Hegdal. – There are many indications that the exemption application will be approved, said deputy mayor Halleland ahead of the meeting. And then it became clear: Knutsen Hegdal is allowed to step down as mayor of Stavanger. The exemption for Sissel Knutsen Hegdal was unanimously approved in the city council. Losnedal got the narrowest possible majority with 34 votes in favour. Photo: Maja Mathisen / news New mayor in the municipality Her place will be taken over by Tormod Losnedal (H). – This is very special. At the same time, it is good to have this situation clarified. I am happy that I get to influence my city, says Losnedal. In May, the 37-year-old went out in papa perm. – It is very special, but the party pointed to me and wanted me. I am very grateful for that. I’ve also had to get used to kindergarten, and it’s a bit like this in between, he says. – What do you think this case surrounding Sissel Knutsen Hegdal has done to the reputation of Stavanger? – I think it has probably put Stavanger on the map in a negative way. At the same time, we have three years to build it up to the next election and we take that responsibility seriously, says Losnedal. Here, Losnedal is interviewed live right after he has been elected: Tormod Losnedal (H) is the new mayor in the city. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal said this to news after the news: – He will be a great mayor. I wish him all the best and lots of luck! This has happened in the mayor case Stavanger’s mayor Sissel Knutsen Hegdal (H) resigned after using party funds on private expenses. She repaid the amount, but the matter is under police investigation. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal used Høyre’s party funds for private expenses on at least nine occasions before she became mayor. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal (H) becomes mayor of Stavanger. She takes over from current Minister of Education Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap). Photo: Ingvild Taranger / news An internal review of the accounts for 2023 reveals the misuse of party funds. The mayor announces in an interview with Stavanger Aftenblad that she is resigning. Hegdal admits to having used around NOK 51,000 for private purposes. She pays back the amount. The police receive documentation from the Conservative Party and open a case to assess whether there are grounds for investigating Hegdal. Hegdal resigns from the Conservative Party, but the city council in Stavanger is still considering her application for exemption from the office of mayor. The case concerns four transactions totaling NOK 20,400. The lawyer says she has not spent money that harms the party on purpose. She denies criminal guilt. Photo: Erlend Handeland Tuastad / news The municipal director has decided not to grant Knutsen Hegdal’s exemption application, but it is Stavanger city council that has the last word. Several cooperative parties say they will not approve Knutsen Hegdal’s exemption application. According to §7-9 of the Local Government Act, it is only when the office leads to “significant inconvenience” that the elected representative can be relieved from office. An emergency meeting is held in Stavanger, but no decision is made about Hegdal’s exemption. Several meetings are planned before the matter will be dealt with in the city council on 14 October Photo: Håkon Jonassen Norheim / news Sissel Knutsen Hegdal’s application was not good enough for the city council’s majority. – It is my assessment that it will be a disproportionate disadvantage for me to be in the position as the media pressure has developed, she says. That could lead to her having to resign as mayor. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Show more The parties approved the application – It has been a difficult few weeks. Both for the Conservative Party and Knutsen Hegdal. I am glad that she updated the exemption application. We appreciate the effort she has made for us, says acting group leader in the Conservative Party, Hilde Karlsen. Deputy Mayor Halleland said from the podium that the party was going to accept the exemption application. – Now we have to move on and put this behind us. We will elect a new mayor and I am looking forward to that, says Halleland. Deputy mayor Henrik Halleland (KrF). Photo: Maja Mathisen / news SV and Venstre said they were also going to vote for exemption. – I hope that Sissel will continue in the city council if the application is accepted. We need her voice. This is not a farewell, but a big thank you to Sissel, says group leader in Venstre, Mette Vabø. MDG and Rødt did the same. – The media pressure Knutsen Hegdal mentions as a reason for exemption is a temporary problem. I’m going to vote yes, while holding my nose. It is done with an aftertaste and a strong feeling that something is not right, says Siri Borge (R). Mossige was also pointed to 37-year-old Tormod Losnedal (H) who was the hottest candidate to become the new mayor in the city. Group leader Dag Mossige in the Stavanger Labor Party was also pointed to as a candidate. Tormod Losnedal (H) in place at the city council meeting. Photo: Maja Mathisen / news Losnedal received support from both cooperation parties and the opposition. – We stand behind Losnedal as new mayor, said Halleland in KrF. He proposed on behalf of the majority parties to promote him as Stavanger’s new mayor. – I got to know him as an adviser and then as a city council representative. He is a nice guy, says Halleland. Complete confusion On Friday, Knutsen Hegdal established that she had a disadvantage in continuing as mayor. It has not been certain that Knutsen Hegdal will be allowed to retire. There are strict rules for what it takes for a mayor to resign. According to §7-9 of the Local Government Act, it is only when the office leads to “significant inconvenience” that the elected official can be relieved of office. With the updated application, there was thus a high probability that Knutsen Hegdal will get three votes as mayor in Stavanger today. – The last few weeks have been demanding, both for Stavanger politics and for me personally. I am sorry that I will not be able to complete the political project that Stavanger’s voters gave me the confidence to carry out, she says. Sissel Knutsen Hegdal became mayor in September 2023. Just over a year later, she no longer has the job. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Knutsen Hegdal announced on 4 September that she is resigning after admitting to having misused party funds for private consumption. The case against Sissel Knutsen Hegdal concerns the following transactions on 16 January 2023: Online shopping with Klarna. Incorrect use of the city council group’s card on four occasions on the same day. A total of NOK 8,813. 18 February 2023: Purchase of a plane ticket from Stavanger to Alicante. The reason for the purchase was that Sissel Knutsen Hegdal had to buy a new ticket in connection with Erna Solberg’s visit to Stavanger. The travel bill lacks documentation documenting that a new plane ticket purchased with the city council group’s payment card compensates for a private outlay for the original trip. A total of NOK 4,901. 21 April 2023: Flight ticket to Oslo without documentation of a work-related agreement in Oslo. A total of NOK 3,479. 4 May 2023: Withdrawal of cash without documentation. A total of NOK 5,000. 13 June 2023: The city council group’s card was used to pay for a gift to a party member, at the same time as a fundraiser had taken place via Spleis for the same gift. A total of NOK 3,900. 26–27 September 2023: Tickets to Utopia and purchase of eight festival passes. Five of the festival passes were for Conservative Party politicians and their entourage and were approved, but the other three festival passes for family members were not. The amount to be repaid totals NOK 11,996. 9 September 2023: Dinner with the family at Restaurant Vaar as a conclusion to the election campaign. A total of NOK 7,500. 13 September 2023: Dinner at Restaurant Harry Pepper on election day with spouse and a couple of friends. A total of NOK 4,000. 18 September 2023: Purchase of a plane ticket from Oslo to Stavanger to a person with no formal connection to the Conservative Party. A total of NOK 1,559. All amounts have been refunded. In total, we are talking about NOK 51,148. Source: Press release from the Conservative Party Published 14.10.2024, at 13.32 Updated 14.10.2024, at 16.47
