Been stuck for over two hours on Bergensbanen – news Vestland

Since 10 o’clock a train from Oslo to Bergen has been stuck at Hønefoss station. – There has been a signal error at Hønefoss station which means that the train cannot drive past, says the press officer in Vy, Kaja Rynning Moen. It was VG that reported the train stoppage first. Vy sent buses to Hønefoss that were supposed to carry the passengers on. It turned out that these had summer tires, something that was not suitable for driving over the mountains. These buses had summer tires. Photo: Private – As I understand it, it is slippery over the mountain now. Then we have considered that we would rather wait until the train can run again. There will therefore not be new buses from Hønefoss. Moen says that buses will be set up from Geilo to Bergen – with winter tyres. BaneNor’s press officer, Olav Nordli, says that they are working to correct the error and hope that the line can reopen around 5 p.m. Have been waiting for over two hours One of those who have been waiting for the train in Hønefoss for over two hours is Karin Holmedal . She was actually going to have lunch with an industry meeting at Gol. Now it looks as if the lunch is going down the drain. – I’m most annoyed with myself because I didn’t book a bus up, she says. The travelers have been given some water and snacks. Photo: Private Ho says that there are many tourists on board who will catch ferries and fly on. – You can hardly book train trips or travel by train when you just sit here. Hoping to open again at half past two Olav Nordli in BaneNor says that the reason for the train stoppage is a fault in the system for the carriageway for the train which occurred on Sunday morning. According to him, recovery is taking place too fully. – We hope that the error will be rectified and that the track can reopen in half-time. This is the latest forecast we have, but we have to hold back as long as the work continues. He understands customers who are tired of waiting. – We are always sorry when errors occur that cause people to travel because of it. Published 13.10.2024, at 13.14 Updated 13.10.2024, at 13.19
