“Føkkup” by Eirik Krokås on Laughter – Reviews and recommendations

Cocaine has certainly had wind in its sails since nature launched the coca leaf with a bang a few hundred million years ago. I have read about how it is produced in scary rainforests by shady types with dollar signs in their eyes, before it is painstakingly packed in the jungle, smuggled to Norway and sniffed in Oslo. Finally by comedian Eirik Krokås. I wonder if they are disappointed, all the people who in turn carried the package all the way to the party where Krokås’ nostrils took the cocaine effort in 2019 – they couldn’t crack him! “Føkkup” is the Bergen native’s first solo performance, and revolves around the 33-year-old’s five-year battle against addiction. Cocaine and gambling. As he himself says: an excellent combination if you hate money. FRAGILE SCENAGRAPHY: Krokås settles for the show’s promo poster as a backdrop. Photo: Aksel Xavier Rustad Shockingly relaxed I have not seen Krokås stand before, and must admit that I was a little afraid of the stage language beforehand. Here comes a performance about cocaine addiction, then it will probably be life!, I thought prejudicedly. Fortunately, I was wrong. As a director, he has brought along Ole Soo, a smart choice for all stage actors who need ideas on how to deliver good text without screaming, fussing or overacting. It is the alpha and the omega, for example if you are going to convey a bit of seriousness – seriousness, in fact. Therefore, it is with great relief that I state that this fellow has to be among the least cocainist comedians I have seen. Think the opposite of Dagfinn Lyngbø. Eirik Krokås’ presence is, to my great shock, like a wandering hammock with accompanying reggae and coconut. It has a decisive effect when you have to drag the audience through heavy material and at the same time keep their attention. See Eirik Krokås as a guest in “Kladden har dævva”: Eirik Krokås called a helpline, but it wasn’t quite what he expected. Listen to several episodes of “Kladden har dævva” on news Radio. Shame makes its entrance The opening party is a kind of warm-up in itself, a classic 10-minute club set where the jokes go from bad to worse. A bit about standup on Teams here, a bit about twerking seven-year-olds there. Funny jokes, by all means, but without getting significantly attached to the obvious common thread. Ambition and motive do not become fully apparent until one has an idea of ​​the contours of the dramaturgy. The introduction has, if a little clumsily, taken us into the key of the performance: shame. First through the trivia – it’s embarrassing to have said something in bad English once 10 years ago and to have misunderstood a high five situation. This cringe collection is, of course, only a stepping stone to the real shame. The shame of self-hatred, addiction, suicidal thoughts, debt. It is from here that “Føkkup” really starts to hit, and that is because it is extremely difficult to find a standup who “talks about the hard times”. INTIMATE EXPRESSION: The club scene at Latter suits the intimate atmosphere well. Photo: Aksel Xavier Rustad Credible and balanced Krokås has an ambition to present a lecture about addiction, but because this is a stand-up show, the audience has to laugh. Therefore, the text balances elegantly between self-examination, soul-searching and gallows humor. And if one is to be successful with a performance with exactly those three ingredients, the most important thing is credibility. Credibility is leavened in the bun dough, and things can go completely wrong very quickly if you don’t own your story completely naked, completely openly and with a genuine vulnerability. Otherwise, there won’t be much of a bun. STRONG DEBUT: news’s ​​critic is impressed by what Krokås achieves with his first solo standup show “Føkkup”. Photo: Aksel Xavier Rustad Addiction – just funny This text knows very well where to tell and where to joke. It offers a soothing break when you start to feel a tear on wild roads. Although the way Krokås delivers somewhat predictable punchlines every now and then, this reggae-infused comedian has understood the mix between chronicle and stand-up. “Føkkup” is a story about something as common as addiction, presented by something as rare as a truly funny storyteller. After the show, you’re unlikely to be left with the typical, slightly indifferent post-standup feeling “hehe, funny show, that.”, but you definitely won’t regret learning something about shame and genuine vulnerability while laughing at a really good comedian . As the godfather of Norwegian standup Jånni Kristiansen says it: Talk about yourself and things you’ve experienced. It works like a fan, Eirik! news reviews Title: “Føkkup” By: Eirik Krokås With: Eirik Krokås Director: Ole Soo Producer: Elina Krantz/Standup Norway Place: Latter, Oslo Time: From 10 October. Norway tour after Christmas. Hi! I’m Espen. I am a freelancer who writes about music and humor for news. You’ll find all the latest at news.no/reviews. Listen to the entire episode with Krokås in the podcast “Kladden har dævva”: Published 11.10.2024, at 15.35
