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– I trusted him a lot. I recommended him to friends and family members, says “Marianne”. For over 20 years she went to the former municipal doctor in Frosta, Arne Bye. – He always took his time and followed up. In many ways he was a wonderful doctor. Now Bye is accused of raping “Marianne” and 87 other women. The rapes must have taken place between 2004 and 2022. “Marianne” is not her real name. news knows the woman’s identity, but because of the burden of the case she wishes to remain anonymous. It has been difficult to take in what has happened, says Marianne. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news – I felt sorry for him news meets Marianne at her home in Frosta. She serves coffee and freshly baked apple cake with cream. Outside, the clouds lie low over the tiny village an hour north of Trondheim. It is October and a few weeks have passed since the indictment against the former municipal superintendent was ready. – You become completely “cow-cow” from all the information from lawyers and the media, says Marianne. Two years ago, the case that has shaken the poor society broke. On 18 July 2022, it became clear that the municipal superintendent had had his authorization suspended by the Norwegian Health Inspectorate. Reports of offensive and unpleasant behavior towards patients were the reason for the suspension. No one knew yet how extensive the case would become. – I felt sorry for him. Marianne wanted Bye to know how much she valued having him as a doctor. Thursday 4 August 2022 13:12Marianne: Hi Arne. Realized that you have found yourself in a tough situation and are currently on sick leave. Just want you to know that you are a phenomenal doctor that we appreciate very much, and your work effort for the patients at all hours of the day is unique. Fingers crossed for you, and hope you get through this bow without too much strain. Use the time to take care of yourself and enjoy being with your family. Wishing you all the best. A big hug to you and yours ❤️ from Marianne w/famABArne Bye: Thank you, thank you. Have you had a holiday trip, then? At the end of August, Bye was charged with abusing his position to obtain sexual intercourse. Over the late summer and autumn, there were several notices against the doctor. Somewhere as far back as the 90s. Marianne still had no idea that she was part of the case. The debts to Bye were difficult to understand, says Marianne. Many were fond of the doctor and he enjoyed great respect in the poor local community. One year earlier, he had been voted “North Trønster doctor of the year” for his efforts during the corona pandemic. “The municipal doctor who paved the way for the rest of Municipality-Norway” the Directorate of Health had called him in 2020. Municipal chief physician Arne Bye and mayor of Frosta municipality, Frode Revhaug, were honored in the local community for their efforts during the corona pandemic. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Got called by the police In September, the police called. Marianne had appeared in the 6,000 hours of video material the police had seized. They wanted her to come in on the right. She thought at first that Bye had done nothing harmful to her. – But when I heard the questions they asked, and heard what I answered myself, it started to dawn on me… My God, and then I didn’t understand? The police believed that several years earlier she had been raped by Arne Bye. For Marianne, it was difficult to accept. Only in January did she get to see the report written by the experts who had seen the video. – I was shocked when I got to read the paper. I felt both nauseous and unwell. She herself has not seen the video. What is rape in this case? The former municipal superintendent is accused of raping 88 women between 2004 and 2022. In the Criminal Code, acquiring sexual relations with someone who is unable to resist this is defined as rape. The former municipal superintendent is accused of inserting fingers and/or objects into the women’s vagina and/or anus. He is also accused of having “touched the clitoris in a masturbation-like manner”. According to the indictment, this must have happened in connection with medical examinations where the women sat in a gynaecologist’s chair. They should not have had an overview of what the doctor did and were unable to oppose the actions. Arne Bye is charged with a breach of the Penal Code 1902 § 192 first and second paragraph and the Penal Code 2005 § 291/§ 292 for rape by having sexual intercourse with someone who was unable to resist this. Two years of pondering Bye is accused of raping the women during gynecological examinations at the doctor’s office. The police have been investigating the case for two years. Marianne has pondered for just as long. In her head, she goes through over 20 years of doctor’s visits. – I was always in pain after gynecological examinations, she says. – At the same time, I had nothing to compare it to. I just thought that was the way it was. She says that she has been distressed since she found out that she was one of those offended. Getting out into nature and to the sea has been helpful in dealing with the time after the case broke. – I ponder a lot. I feel guilty and wonder if I should have realized that something was not as it should be. Marianne says that she has recommended Bye as a doctor to friends and family. – It’s absolutely amazing that I, as a mother, have encouraged my daughter to go to him. Bye is accused of raping 88 women during gynecological examinations. Photo: Vegard T. Blakstad / news Trust breach – It’s the first thing I think about when I get up and the last thing I think about when I go to bed, says Marianne. How could the doctor she had trusted for years do such a thing? – I could call him at any time, even in the evening. He always took his time. Marianne says that she felt seen. She felt she could tell the doctor everything. She told the doctor about her health, psyche and family life. – Now I have not only lost my doctor, but also the person who perhaps knew the most about me. The breach of trust has been difficult to deal with, says Marianne. She feels abused both physically and psychologically. – I have been trampled on by someone I trusted 110 percent. Someone I could tell everything to. Marianne says that the breach of trust has affected both her and the family. Now she is anxious to see a doctor. – It must be bad before I go to a doctor now. The time after she was called by the police has been difficult. Nature and the sea have been helpful, says Marianne. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news A small town Frosta municipality has approximately 2,600 inhabitants. Most people know someone who is affected by the case against the former municipal superintendent. When the case became known in 2022, the village had just put two years of corona pandemic and isolation behind it. In recent years, the village has been strongly affected. Many people keep more to themselves, says Marianne. – It was as if the village went straight back into corona mode. Both the offended women and others in the village react differently to the situation the poor community is in. Some want to talk a lot about it, while others find the topic unpleasant. – You often have to feel a little forward. I feel I have to tread carefully. Acknowledges three warrants news has been in contact with Arne Bye’s defender, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, in connection with this case. He has not wished to give any comment on the content of the article. Last week, Arne Bye admitted to having raped three of the offended women. He also admitted to having used his position as a doctor to have sexual relations with 40 of the 96 victims. Marianne is one of the 40. Bye has not acknowledged raping her. – I dread the trial, she says. The trial against Arne Bye starts in Trøndelag District Court on 5 November. Marianne and the other women will tell their stories there. – I will stand in the courtroom, no matter how it turns out. It is important that he must take responsibility for his actions. Hello! Are you or someone you know affected by the Frosta case? Do you have an experience or story to tell? Or do you have input or tips on who I should talk to? Then I would very much like to hear from you! All information will be treated confidentially. Published 12.10.2024, at 18.49 Updated 12.10.2024, at 19.00
