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He has heavy roles and positions in Norwegian and international sport behind him. Now Gerhard Heiberg, honorary member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), is upset about the situation in the Norwegian Skiing Association. Within a short time it has become clear that two of cross-country skiing’s main sponsors are giving up after the coming season. As of now, only two of the current sponsors are certain to continue after the spring, news’s ​​overview shows. Two of the sponsors did not want to disclose the duration of their agreements. It is currently unclear how many of today’s agreements will be renewed. – With my background from sponsoring, I would say that it is due to a lack of trust, says Heiberg in an interview with news. At the same time, the Ski Association’s finances are under pressure. The association reported a deficit of NOK 10.9 million last year, and an equity capital that is constantly shrinking. In the bigger picture, the number of members in the Ski Association has decreased by 70,000 since 2010. Heiberg says that many people have contacted him, both in Norway and internationally, and expressed their concern. – The question has been: What is happening in Norway? What is happening in the Norwegian Ski Association? There has been quite a bit of noise, without going into it. And it has told me that what used to be optimism is turning into being a little more skeptical, he says. – A question about the organization Heiberg does not believe that a successful Ski World Cup in Trondheim will necessarily change the situation. – I am of the basic opinion that this is a question of the organization of the Norwegian Skiing Association, of the management of the Norwegian Skiing Association, and where one is not entirely sure whether they are going to deliver what they talk about and what they stand for, says he, and continues: – That maybe something needs to happen internally in the Ski Association so that we will once again gain the necessary confidence to enter and think it’s fun to be involved. And see that the results are as we had hoped and believed. – But you, aren’t you a little afraid of being seen as such an everything-was-better-before type, when you come up with that kind of criticism? – Guess if I’ve thought about it! But at the same time, I allow myself to say that I have come across this so much from all sides, that I have an opinion here, says Heiberg. Gerhard Heiberg Graduated in civil economics at the Copenhagen Business School. Adm.dir. in Norcem between 1973 and 1987. CEO of the merged Aker Norcem between 1987 and 1989 and chairman of the same company in the period 1989 to 1996. Chairman of Den norske bank from 1995 to 2000. President of the Lillehammer Olympic Organizing Committee (LOOC) from 1989 to 1994 Member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1994 to 2017. Head of the IOC Marketing Commission from 2001 to 2014. Chairman of the IOC from 2003 to 2011. Honorary member of the IOC from 2017. Sources: IOC and Store norske lexikon. Got an agreement with Nidar Ski President Tove Moe Dyrhaug says the Ski Association experiences great trust from its partners. – We talk well together, also about the difficult matters. It is not unusual for some sponsors to withdraw after many years. I think Heiberg is well aware of that as he has been responsible for the market income of the IOC for many years, says Dyrhaug to news. She points out that the Ski Association is also entering into new agreements, and points out, among other things, that an agreement between cross-country skiing and the chocolate manufacturer Nidar was signed at the latest this week. This agreement lasts through the 24/25 season. – At the same time, like others in Norwegian sports, we see that the market is tougher and changing, which we adapt to, she says. DISAGREE: Ski president Tove Moe Dyrhaug refutes Gerhard Heiberg’s statements. Photo: Ole Martin Wold / NTB Dyrhaug says shop stewards and employees at all levels in the union work well together and points out that the Ski Board was unanimously elected at this year’s Ski-thing. According to her, the financial situation in the Ski Association is improving, so that a profit is expected this year and a profit is planned for next year. – We have great respect for Heiberg and his knowledge, and what he has done for Norwegian and international sport, but we do not agree with everything he says about, says Dyrhaug. – We have no trust problem The Swedish clothing and equipment supplier Craft has an agreement with the national cross-country team that runs until 2027. General manager Tom Henriksen of New wave Norway, the company that markets Craft in Norway, says Craft has “very good trust” in the Ski Association. – They work seriously. There are talented people at all levels, says Henriksen to news. – Those who think so must answer for themselves. We have no trust problem with the cross-country management. By no means, he adds. POSITIVE: General manager Tom Henriksen in New wave Norway represents Craft in Norway. He says Craft has doubled sales in the Norwegian market since the agreement with the national cross-country team was concluded in 2022. Photo: Andreas Lekang / news – Are you concerned about the financial situation in the Ski Association? – Not directly worried, but it is perhaps a little worrying. I hope they have control and think they operate sensibly. – They are going to make a good sporting investment, but maybe they have to think a little about what they actually use, says Henriksen. Former sponsor: – Delivered what we were looking for news has been in contact with the sponsors who are leaving the Ski Association after the 24/25 season – Sparebank1 and Equinor – and two of the companies that have ended their sponsorship with the Ski Association in recent years – BDO and Norengros – about Heiberg’s statements. Sponsor manager Thea Moen at Equinor writes in an e-mail that they have experienced the Ski Association as a professional and good partner. – We have full confidence in the board and management there, writes Moen. Marketing manager Espen Sørhaug in Norengros, who went from sponsoring the national cross-country team to becoming a sponsor of the alpine national team, writes to news that they have been and are very satisfied with the cooperation with the Norwegian Ski Association. – The branches we have collaborated with have delivered what we were looking for, writes Sørhaug in an email. – Cross-country skiing contributed over 20 years to a fantastic increase in awareness of our brand. The transition to alpine skiing comes from a change in our focus from brand awareness to a desire to become part of an “Attacking Vikings culture” that fits like a glove to the challenges we face in 2024, he writes. Sparebank1 refers to previous statements about why they terminated the agreement. BDO ended its sponsorship agreement in 2021 and does not consider it relevant to comment on Heiberg’s statements. Published 12.10.2024, at 07.40
