The family of murdered Jonas Aarseth Henriksen reacts to book – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

“The murder of Jonas – the account of a reported murder” is scheduled to go on sale within a couple of weeks. The book is written by the editor of the podcast Avhørt, Stein Morten Lier. – We are upset about the way Interrogator is proceeding in this matter. It is a burden for us that this is coming now, and the way it is being done, says Ivar Borgen, Jonas’s stepfather. STEPFATHER OF JONAS: Ivar Borgen. Photo: Anders Haualand / news He says that the family feels that the author is trying to “squeeze the last out of a lemon to get the most out of the case”. – For us this is not an issue, for us this is a big part of life. The fact that this is coming up now just adds another burden to what we are in, says Borgen. State Attorney Vibeke Gjøslien has in a letter to the publisher Aschehoug asked them to postpone the publication. Gjøslien has written the letter on behalf of the defense attorneys Marius Dietrichson, Jon Anders Hasle, Andrea Wisløff, Geir Jesinsky, Stian Mæland and assistance attorney for the family Marijana Lozic. I think it is too early for news to have read the letter to Aschehoug. There Gjøslien writes: “On behalf of all of us, I allow myself to make a joint request that the publication be postponed, primarily until the case is legally settled in the legal system, but at least until we have received a judgment in the district court.” The public prosecutor writes further: “We are particularly thinking about the danger of influencing witnesses and the danger of suspicion of prejudgment.” VG reported on the letter first. Lawyer reacts State Attorney Gjøslien does not want to comment on the case now. But lawyer Dietrichson does, who represents one of the accused men in the case. – It is not the book’s approximate dealing with fact that we react to. Lawyer Marius Dietrichson. Photo: Tobias Sakrisvold Martinsen / news Dietrichson says that the author is free to think his way about this if it is such that he does not want to see the counter-considerations to it. – What we react to is the time. It is too early to publish a book now, before the case comes up for the first time, and even at a time when the indictment question has not even been decided. So it has not been decided who will possibly be prosecuted for what. We have therefore, in a joint appeal, asked the publisher to be aware of its responsibility – and to wait a bit, says Dietrichson. – More mistakes Ivar Borgen, Jonas’s stepfather supports Dietrichson. – We react at the time, but after reading the script, we also react to how the book is written. – We feel there are several mistakes, says Borgen. When news makes contact, author Stein Morten Lier refers to the publisher. The publisher does not wish to comment on the content of the letter or the criticism from the family. – The family’s assistance lawyer has addressed us in a letter through the state attorney. We have not yet taken a position or responded to this and therefore have no comment, says Live Thorsen, publishing manager for non-fiction at Aschehoug forlag. No one charged It has been over a year since Jonas Aarseth Henriksen was found murdered at a cabin in Nes in Ådal. Five people have been charged with murder or complicity in murder. One of them, a 29-year-old from Rena, is still in custody. Photo: Facsimile / Aschehoug None of the accused plead guilty. The criminal case is scheduled in advance in the district court at the end of February next year. The case is now in the office of the state attorney. Vibeke Gjøslien must then send her recommendation to the Attorney General, who will issue any charges. Hello! My name is Hans-Kristian Rangnes and I am a journalist at news. Are you looking for information on this matter or have any questions? Feel free to get in touch by e-mail or encrypted via Signal on 41 46 69 68. If you want to send input, tips and information encrypted and secure via news’s ​​extra secure notification reception, you can see how to send via news’s ​​SecureDrop here. Published 11.10.2024, at 15.22 Updated 11.10.2024, at 15.40
