Tag at Nidaros Cathedral – man in his 40s sentenced to mental health care – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

On 8 April, the defendant took the orange spray measurement with him and went to Nidaros Cathedral. Here he used the spray measurement to convey several messages on the doors and stone walls. At the visitor center he sprayed “Hitler” on the glass wall, in addition to his own full name. – It was to provoke. I’m not a Nazi. I am a social democrat, said the defendant in court. 26 offenses in the course of two months In March and April this year, the operations center in Trøndelag police district received many reports from members of the public who were accused of: Acting out and intimidating behaviour, minor damage and some shoplifting in Trondheim. The visitor center at Nidaros Cathedral was also charged with damages by the defendant. Photo: Trond Odin Myhre Johansen / news He pleaded guilty to the extensive indictment. As to why he did it, he answered in court: – It was a cry for help. Experts: Psychosis management The defendant, in his late 40s, was hospitalized eight times from January to June this year with suspected psychosis. But after a few days he was discharged without treatment. The same thing happened in 2022 as well. The forensic psychiatric experts concluded that the defendant has a psychosis for which he is now compulsorily hospitalized. They believe the defendant does not realize he is ill. The prosecutor, state attorney Jarle Wikdahl, submitted a claim that the defendant must be sentenced to compulsory mental health care because he is unaccountable. Defender Frode Wisth said the treatment the defendant is now receiving is working and that the prospects for recovery are good. He asked that the defendant be acquitted of punishment in the form of a sentence of compulsory treatment. – A possible appeal of the sentence will be about whether the conditions for compulsory mental health care are met, says Wisth to news on Wednesday. Four days after the damage to Nidaros Cathedral, the defendant smashed a Star of David in a Jewish cemetery. Photo: Picture taken from the Facebook profile of Sophie Bodd Jenssen Will not stop using drugs In recent years, the defendant began to get high on cannabis and amphetamines, in addition to alcohol. The experts thought it was important that the defendant does not become intoxicated again, even if in time he may be allowed to live outside an institution. When asked by the court whether he would follow the advice, the defendant replied: – No, I have to be honest. I can’t sit here and lie. I’ll probably get drunk again, said the defendant. Risk of new criminal acts Trøndelag District Court points out that the defendant is now compulsorily committed and receiving treatment. But he can theoretically be discharged at any time by those treating him. The risk that the defendant then becomes intoxicated again and stops taking antipsychotic medication is present, the experts believe. With a sentence of compulsory treatment, such discharge cannot take place without the prosecution being heard. The consideration of society and the risk of new criminal acts also means that the defendant must be sentenced to compulsory protection, the court believes. The work to remove the measurement started quickly to limit the damage to the medieval stone. The costs came to NOK 100,000. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news It is impossible to remove all the measurements. Nidaros Cathedral is a protected cultural monument. The construction of the stone church started in the middle of the 12th century. After many fires in the Middle Ages, the church had to be renewed and partially rebuilt. Many of the stones date from the Middle Ages. Some of them were injured as a result of the vandalism. – Therefore, it was important to try to limit the damage by quickly trying to remove the measurement. That’s what Rune Langås at Nidaros Restoration Work said as a witness in court. But the stone was uneven and porous so it was impossible to remove everything without damaging the stone, Langås said. The defendant must pay compensation of just over NOK 50,000 for damage to cars and a bottle machine. Published 09.10.2024, at 12.15 Updated 09.10.2024, at 12.51
