Fraudsters stole NOK 100,000 by pretending to be police – Greater Oslo

Rune Hekkelstrand, operations manager in the Oslo police district, says that the elderly women were first called by the “police” and by the “bank”. In reality, it was neither the police nor the bank, but fraudsters. In the telephone conversation, the fraudsters are said to have made the women believe that they had already been defrauded, and that the “police” had to come to help them. “Policemen” then came to the women’s homes, took their cards and said that the police should help them solve the fraud, says Hekkelstrand. If the person pretending to be the police or the bank does not let you hang up, or check with the real police or the real bank, it is a clear danger signal. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Manipulated telephone number used The two exposed women are in their 80s. One of them lives in the east of Oslo, while the other lives in the west of the city. Rune Hekkelstrand says that one has to help inform about the danger signals of fraud. Photo: Oslo police district The one woman’s account has been emptied of more than NOK 100,000. – The fraudsters used a manipulated telephone number and therefore the police currently do not know who is behind it. The phone number is in the police records in more than ten cases in recent weeks. – So this is a large scale that the police take very seriously, says Hekkelstrand. When searching online, you find that the manipulated number is associated with the Sør-West police district. It is incorrect. Abusing trust – The main problem is that the fraudsters abuse the trust that older women have in the public sector. In addition, they abuse it to take rather large sums from them. The police receive reports about this relatively often, says Hekkelstrand. He believes that relatives of elderly people, neighbors and friends must help inform the elderly about the danger signals of a scam phone. Hekkelstrand calls the fraud serious. Photo: news / news – If you experience that the “police” or the “bank” will not let you hang up, or check with the real bank, then this is a fraud. – The banks have been informed and we have received reports on the conditions, says Hekkelstrand. The police and the bank never come to people’s homes to take cards, codes or other personal information in such cases. – This information is personal and must never be shared with others. Published 30.09.2024, at 19.01 Updated 30.09.2024, at 19.50
