– We are sick of arguing about this – news Vestland

This is stated by political adviser for the Labor Party’s city council group in Bergen, Rasmus L. Rasmussen, in a press release. They say that there is no longer a basis for continuing the negotiations on the Bybanen to Åsane On Monday morning, the light rail negotiators met for another meeting at the town hall. It ended in disappointment for the opposition parties. – Ideally, we would be able to stand here as a united city council and tell them that Bybanen will be built, but we are not doing that today, says Rune Bakervik (Ap). He goes on to say that if it had been up to them, they would have started building the light rail to Åsane already. Bakervik and Per-Arne Larsen (V) met the press at 5.15 pm this afternoon. – We are sick and tired of arguing about this, says Larsen. Larsen points out that the Liberals have entered the negotiations without any demands or ultimatums and that they have told us they are willing to vote for the new proposal to build a tunnel past the city centre. – Today it became clear that the distance between us is too great. I asked Eivind Nævdal-Bolstad (H) if that means we are leaving the meeting, and he said yes. Last week it became clear that both SV and MDG are also withdrawing from the light rail negotiations. They resigned after an ultimatum from the city council parties.
