Labor wants a new health reform – Latest news – news

Ap wants a new, major health reform in Norway. – We want to create a health service that is coherent and comprehensive, says Health and Care Minister Jan Christian Vestre. He is deputy leader of the Labor Party. – We are seeing more and more elderly people who become bouncers, revolving door patients between specialist health services and municipal health services, says Vestre to news. Until 2060, Norway will lack 180,000 health workers. – At the same time, we see that the population’s expectations of what the welfare state will provide are increasing. And we see that there are different needs now than there were 25 years ago, when the state took over management of the hospitals, says Jan Christian Vestre. The Conservative Party is calling for more concrete proposals from Ap. – We are struggling to see what the Labor Party is actually proposing here. There must be something more concrete than simply having a reform. But we are open to looking at new solutions to bring about more interaction, says health policy spokesperson in the Conservative Party, Erlend Svardal Bøe.
