Earthquake in Verdal – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Just before 4pm on Sunday afternoon, the police reported a landslide in Verdal, down towards Vistvikvegen and Leksdalsvatnet. The slide must not cross the road. Technical guard Verdal and the police on their way. There should still be movement at the edge of the race, says operations manager Roger Mogstad. This is what the ground looks like after the landslide this afternoon. Photo: Roy Morten Aasheim / Private Evacuator The landslide is approximately 100 by 100 metres, says task leader Thorstein Hansen. Two people from a residential building below the landslide have been evacuated. – A geotechnician is on site and making assessments of the landslide, says Hansen. Operations leader Thorstein Hansen Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Vistvikvegen is temporarily closed to traffic in both directions. This is what the ground looks like after the landslide this afternoon. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news – Not surprised Roy Morten Aasheim lives directly across the road from where the landslide occurred. He was out walking his dog when he saw that the big spruce that usually stood in the field was gone. He was not surprised when he heard about the farm being evacuated. – It actually rained a bit, because you have some houses on the lower side. And there is a stream that runs in that area. The landslide in Verdal went down towards Vistvikvegen and Leksdalsvatnet. – Unpleasant Gunnar Morten Hagen lives some distance away from the landslide that took place on Sunday afternoon. He says that he feels safe where he lives, but when asked what he thinks about living near a racial area, he is clear: – It is uncomfortable. Gunnar Morten Hagen thinks it is unpleasant to live near a race area. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Published 29.09.2024, at 16.22 Updated 29/09/2024, at 18.35
