– Feel very good here – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Recruit Alexandra joined the Engineer Battalion in Brigade Nord. Now she is completing her vocational training in the Army and is an engineer soldier and a gunner on the CV90 tank. – I am an engineer soldier. That is, my primary role is to be a shooter on the CV90. In addition, we have had many exciting courses, and we have had engineering-oriented education, such as blasting courses, says the princess. – It is a very varied everyday life. Very exciting. On its website, the Norwegian Armed Forces write that you should be in generally good physical shape to be an engineer soldier, and that “the service is characterized by a high workload where high demands are placed on you”. Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Together with 300 other fresh soldiers, Princess Ingrid Alexandra embarked on her first service at Skjold camp in Indre Troms in January. Photo: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB Extends stay Princess Ingrid Alexandra meets the press at Skjold camp in Troms during a turbulent time for the family. When asked how she is feeling, she replies that she is enjoying herself in the camp. – Here at Skjold, I enjoy myself very much. It’s a varied everyday life and we do a lot of exciting things, she replies. The notice was originally that Princess Ingrid Alexandra was to serve 12 months of initial service. It is now clear that the stay will be extended due to the princess’s choice of further education in the Armed Forces. Her service position has 15 months of service. Princess Ingrid Alexandra will therefore not graduate until April next year. – Are stronger together – What have you learned? – I have been challenged many times since I came in. I think the most important thing I have learned is that you can do much more than you think, and you are much stronger together. Whether it’s in a team or in a troop or company, you get a lot more done when you’re not alone, says the princess. Princess Ingrid Alexandra was wearing the Army’s service uniform when the royals greeted the children’s train in Oslo from the Palace Balcony on 17 May this year. – It is worn with the department insignia of Brigade Nord, as well as symbols that show belonging to the Engineer Battalion, Slottet said then. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Queen and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces – She will become a soldier like everyone else, said the chief shop steward in the Army when it became clear that the princess would serve in Skjold camp. Nevertheless, there is something that separates the princess from her fellow soldiers. When she one day becomes Queen of Norway, she will also become Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. When she began her first service in January, the public got a glimpse of her new everyday life. With the press present, the princess took part in a lesson where she learned about the different parts of a weapon, as well as how to disassemble and reassemble it. King Harald’s advice to his grandson At the same time, grandfather King Harald was asked what tips he wanted to share with his grandson, who was then a new recruit. – Don’t ask too much, the king replied matter-of-factly and laughed. – You get a lot of orders that you don’t understand the point of. Then don’t ask why. Just do it, was King Harald’s clear call. In his time, Crown Prince Haakon’s father chose the Command School and then the Naval Academy. Just before his daughter began her first service this year, he said that he thought it was positive that the princess was going to the Armed Forces. – I think it is important to defend the Norway that we have built up, the crown prince told news. Published 19.09.2024, at 15.42 Updated 19.09.2024, at 15.52
