Sven Bisgaard Sundet has lived a year without a smartphone – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary Sven Bisgaard Sundet has lived without the internet, including smartphones and apps, since September last year. He has noticed many positive changes, including better sleep, increased concentration and improved reading ability. His project will be used in research at NTNU, where brain researchers will measure bodily changes. Sundet plans to continue living without a smartphone after the project is over. His experiences will be presented in a TV series on news in October. He is excited about the research results, and believes that they will show an increased stress level from screen use. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I feel a feeling of happiness that is much greater than a year ago. Now I have realized how many bad habits I had, says Sven Bisgaard Sundet. The mandalit is known, among other things, from the Heia Fotball podcast on news, but last autumn he embarked on an ambitious project. Since September last year, he has been completely logged off the internet. That means no smartphone, no apps – pretty much everything that has to do with a screen has been stripped away from existence. Writer Mike Stilson (TV) and podcaster Sven Bisgaard Sundet have already lived without a screen since September last year. It has added flavor, says Sundet. Photo: Lars O. Skjønberg On 18 September, exactly one year has passed since he signed off together with writer Mike Stilson. – It has been a magical year. I think it has changed me forever. – In what way? – I have become more present with the people around me. More present in reality. In addition to the fact that I have changed my habits. Have read 56 books Mandalitten plans to live without a smartphone also after 18 September. – I will not start with the iPhone again. Because I’m absolutely sure it’s just going to “eat me up”. Suddenly I’m sitting there playing chess and stupid games again. Sundet has noticed many changes both physically and psychologically after he switched off: He sleeps better, it is easier to concentrate and, not least, he has picked up his reading habit. – I had a goal of reading 40 books, but am now working on book number 56. It is actually the book “Skjerma barna” by Maja Lunde. Could you imagine living off the log for a longer period of time? Have your say further down in the matter. Sven had up to ten hours of screen time a day at his worst. Here he plays his favorite game Hay Day. Photo: Chris Veløy Researching the project The two’s project will also be used in research. Brain researchers at NTNU will measure bodily changes during the year. Electrode caps were used before they started, and the same will happen along the way. Brain researcher and professor of neuropsychology at NTNU Audrey van der Meer has previously told news that the testing involves, among other things, that the two have to write words and draw by hand. – We are looking for differences in the brains of the two after they logged off. We will probably see that the creative parts of the brain will show increased activity without the smartphone, van der Meer said. Sven Bisgaard Sundet with a hood that measures brain waves. He is involved in a research project at NTNU. Photo: Vegard T. Blakstad/news The two have also been given pulse monitors, saliva samples and blood samples taken. Sven Bisgaard Sundet says that the last tests were taken this week. The results will probably be ready just a few weeks after the project is finished, according to Sundet. At the moment, Sven Bisgaard Sundet is reading, among other things, the classic “The Source” by Gabriel Scott. Photo: Liv Sundet Landrø Now he is excited about what the researchers will find out. The mandalitt previously thought that they couldn’t possibly find anything, but say the researchers have a lot of faith. – It is clear that having, for example, up to 1,000 notifications just from Snapchat causes a very high level of stress in the whole body. And they think they will be able to see that in the saliva samples, explains Sundet. How many hours do you spend on the phone each day? 1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-7 hours More than 8 hours Show result Will be a TV series this autumn The experiences of living more or less without screen use will also become a separate TV series on news. The TV series premieres on October 8. – I wish it was only shown in the cinema, but unfortunately it will be in the news App. So it’s absolutely terrible, says Sven Bisgaard Sundet and laughs. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 18.09.2024, at 05.27
