– I’ve thought a lot about whether I should have realized that – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

On Tuesday, the indictment against the former municipal superintendent in Frosta was ready. – It is difficult to be in a place where you know such things have happened, says Linn Beate Skogholt. For twelve years she worked at the same doctor’s office as the former municipal chief medical officer. He is accused of raping 88 women. The defendant has so far denied criminal guilt. Now the man’s defense attorney, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, states that the question of criminal guilt will be a topic in upcoming police interviews. – I have thought a lot about whether I should have realized what was going on. Shared examination room Skogholt came to the doctor’s office as a doctor on duty in 2009. The following year she started as a GP. In addition to Skogholt and the accused doctor, a doctor on duty and three employees worked as health personnel at the tiny office. Although they worked at the same doctor’s office for over ten years, Skogholt says that they did not suspect anything. – There were certain things that we were a bit puzzled about, for example, that so many gynecological examinations were carried out. Now that the former municipal superintendent has been prosecuted, Skogholt looks at things he did differently. – There are some things that “make sense” now that I know what I know, says Skogholt. The accused man has been presented with the allegations Skogholt makes. The man’s defender, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, tells news that the allegations, to the extent that they are relevant, will be the subject of the upcoming main hearing. He therefore does not wish to comment on this in the media at the present time. – It hurts to think that my workplace has been the perpetrator of something that has affected so many. Photo: Rita Kleven / news Skogholt said that the doctors in the office shared an examination room which was used, among other things, for gynecological examinations. – I was surprised that the gynecological chair was always moved and it was often messy when I entered the examination room. – In addition, the back of the examination chair was almost always laid down. When Skogholt asked the municipal superintendent about it, she was told that it was to prevent the patients from fainting during the examination. – In retrospect, I think it was probably so that the women wouldn’t see what he did. – He was private – We worked with each of our patient lists and actually had few common meeting points. Skogholt says that she perceived the defendant as a private person. – He was private and rarely ate lunch with the rest of us. I saw him as a bit special. – He did things his way and was probably not that open to new ways of doing things. I think he thought he himself knew best. Although they had little contact, Skogholt says that they got along well. – It wasn’t a bad atmosphere. We make small talk when we meet each other and we talk about professional issues. The defendant was the municipal chief physician in Frosta. The municipality has just over 2,600 inhabitants. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Heavy in hindsight In the summer of 2022, the municipal superintendent was accused of abuse and was suspended by the Norwegian Health Inspectorate. Skogholt says that there were many people who needed follow-up and care. At the same time, many were now without a GP in the poor municipality. – We had a very good fellowship at the doctor’s office when it became clear what had happened. Those who remained talked a lot and supported each other in what was a demanding time. – We agreed that we could not have understood anything. He was so good at hiding it. – If we had gone into those feelings, we would have drowned. Nevertheless, the time after it became known what had happened at the doctor’s office has been difficult. She has thought a lot about what she should have known. – It is difficult to realize that this has happened so close and over such a long time without me having caught it. – I feel that the local community has supported us who are left at the doctor’s office, says Skogholt. Photo: Tariq Alisubh / news Harassing the local community In the indictment, 96 women have the status of being offended. The police have seized over 6,000 hours of video material. In a municipality with just over 2,600 inhabitants, it took its toll. – Everyone knows someone who has been hurt, says Skogholt. – It is a big burden for the whole village. On 5 November, the trial begins where the former municipal supervisor is accused. She says that it will also be a relief that the trial will start soon. – We have been waiting for two years for him to answer for what he has done. – Now I hope the village will be able to gather and that we will be able to move on. Published 17.09.2024, at 17.49
