The indictment in the Frosta case in Trøndelag is ready – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The indictment concerns 96 offended women. The former municipal superintendent is accused of having raped 88 women. This is revealed in a press release from the Trøndelag State Attorney’s Office. The doctor is said to have had sexual relations with patients who were unable to resist the actions. The rapes are said to have occurred during medical examinations in the period 2004 to 2022. The trial starts on 5 November. 16 weeks have been set aside for the case. The accused has always denied criminal guilt. The indictment in the case against the former municipal superintendent: The decision to indict a total of 96 offended women. For all of them, the indictment applies to violations of the Criminal Code 1902 § 193 and the Criminal Code 2005 § 295 for having obtained sexual relations by abusing their position as a doctor. For 88 of these, he is additionally charged with violations of the Penal Code 1902 § 192 first and second paragraph and the Penal Code 2005 § 291/§ 292 for rape by having acquired sexual relations with someone who was unable to resist this. All the indictments relate to actions that must have been committed in connection with medical examinations carried out by the accused in the period 2004 to 2022. With one exception, the examinations were carried out at the office where the person concerned worked. A number of the investigations are filmed without the victim’s knowledge or consent. Not what the doctor did. According to the indictment, sexual intercourse must include the insertion of fingers or an object into the vagina or rectal opening and/or massage of the abdomen. The patients must have been fully or partially undressed. Many of the women are said to have been placed in a gynecologist’s chair in such a way that they could not see what the doctor was doing. Accusations from the 90s The police started an investigation in August 2022, after being notified by the Norwegian Health Inspectorate of possible criminal charges. When the police searched the doctor’s home, they seized 6,000 hours of video material. The police later stated that the majority of the recordings contained gynecological examinations. The former municipal superintendent has been under investigation since 2022. Photo: Vegard T. Blakstad / news The man has previously told the police that he filmed the investigations to have evidence. In 2023, he told the Norwegian Health Authority that he believes the videos prove that he has not “exceeded the limits that apply to doctors’ activities”. – What we expected – The long investigation period has been a burden for my clients, says Camilla Hagen. She represents eight of the offended women. Hagen says she has not yet received a full overview of the indictment, but is not surprised at how it turned out. – I think the indictment is largely in line with what we expected. The legal aid lawyer says that her clients are now looking forward to getting the case over with. Had her case dismissed Assistance lawyer Ingunn Kjelstad tells news that she has a total of 40 clients in the indictment from the state attorney. – Basically, there are no major surprises with regard to the charges brought by the police. A few of my cases have been dismissed, says Kjelstad. Kim Eilertsen is a solicitor for one of the doctor’s former patients. She has now had her case dismissed. – It was unexpected, says Eilertsen about the decision. He says that the case has been dropped on the state of the evidence, but that he has not yet received the state attorney’s reasons. – She takes it in stride, but is prepared to appeal the decision. An incriminating case – Our client agrees that the indictment is very serious and extensive, says the defendant’s lawyer, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, in a statement. He says that the case has been a significant burden for his client. – We find reason to emphasize that there is no verdict in the case and that the defendant must be considered innocent until the court finds the contrary proven, he adds. As regards the issue of criminal guilt, this will be a topic in upcoming police interviews, the defender states. The man’s defender, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, says that the case has been a significant burden for the former municipal superintendent. Photo: Vegard Woll / news The case has affected the village Mayor of Frosta, Frode Revhaug (H), says that the case has affected the village for several years. – It has been a great burden for those affected and their relatives. Revhaug says it is good that the indictment is now available and that the trial will begin in November. – We have lived with the matter for a long time. It is good that the trial eventually begins and that we get a clarification. At the same time, he also believes that the local community is entering a challenging time. -​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is important that we take care of each other and have a lot of warmth for the time we are now entering. Comprehensive investigation In June, the case was fully investigated by the police, and forwarded to the public prosecutor. The abuse allegations against the former municipal superintendent stretch back to the end of the 90s. So a period of over 20 years. – The investigation has been very extensive, said Eivind Guldseth, head of police investigations at Trøndelag police district, at the time. – Among other things, large amounts of video material have been reviewed, many interviews have been carried out, and several expert assessments have been brought in. Published 17.09.2024, at 14.04 Updated 17.09.2024, at 14.44
