Man arrested for threatening Nora Haukland – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

A man in his 20s has been arrested, charged with threatening Nora Haukland. He was arrested on Monday afternoon, and is also charged with around 20 other threats. The man in his 20s has not been questioned. It is not known how he stands up to the charge. Produced for imprisonment TV 2 mentioned the arrest first. – It was a completely calm arrest without drama. The police are well acquainted with this person from the past, even if he has not been convicted, says police attorney Andrea Finckenhagen to the channel. The man in his 20s will be produced for remand on Tuesday afternoon, says the police attorney to news. He is charged with several criminal offences, but Finckenhagen will not go into more detail about what it is about. – Happy that the police are reacting On Sunday, it became known that Haukland had reported a concrete threat linked to her status as offended in the Høiby case. – Threats against victims in criminal cases are very serious, and must be taken seriously – as the police have done in this case, says Haukland’s assistance lawyer John Christian Elden to news. He says Haukland is happy that the police are reacting quickly and forcefully. According to him, the purpose of the threat was to get Haukland to withdraw his statement to the police. Lawyer John Christian Elden assists Nora Haukland. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB – The legal system cannot accept this. What happens next in this case is up to the police. Based on what Elden knows, there is no connection between the arrested man and Marius Borg Høiby. Høiby is charged with abuse in close relationships towards Nora Haukland. He has not taken a position on the charge. Published 17.09.2024, at 09.49 Updated 17.09.2024, at 10.20
