– Put up enough with him being de-prioritized – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen lives a rarely hectic life. From the time he went to a training camp in Flagstaff in March to the half-marathon in Copenhagen on Sunday, things have gone in one row. The 23-year-old has run 19 races in the USA and Europe, and in the middle of it all little Filippa came into the world. Ingebrigtsen loves to compete, but is now ready to see more of both his wife Elisabeth and daughter. – It’s very cozy. Hopefully I can spend a little more time with them, and prioritize them more. Maybe take a run when it suits them, instead of when it suits me, he tells news. At home in Sandnes, the family is ready with open arms, but the running star must prepare for a new weekday. – It’s very nice, but he struggles enough that he has become a bit of a low priority with me. Or that he realizes that she is the most important, says Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen about the “sutreguten”, as she has called him, finished with the season. Come with love She is prepared that there may be a transition from competitive life to a weekday at home for her husband. – I don’t want him to be completely frightened by this family life, but I feel that we have to put a little extra responsibility on him, now that he is at home and having a break. – He has had a tendency to think that the break is only for him, and he has been, but now I have been a “single mother” for a few months, says Elisabeth. SUPERMOM: Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen. Photo: Mikael Kaspersen Kinnestad / news Now she is looking forward to the fact that the family of five, if you include the dogs Maximus and Jupiter, can be together more. And Jakob is ready to roll up his sleeves. – Filippa is quite good at night, but when she gets up, I take out the dishwasher and go for a walk with her and the dogs. Before I hand her over to Elisabeth, so in a way my job for the day is done, he smiles and comes with a promise: – Now in the period ahead, I might be more helpful to the extent that I can help with other things. The news about extra labor in the home at Lura in Sandnes is naturally well received. – So good, then. It’s very nice. And now we have it on film too. Then I’ll start thinking about things I want help with, says Elisabeth. – How has he coped with the role of father? – Very good, says his wife and praises him for both his ability and willingness to change nappies. Before she mentions an area for improvement: – He zones out and is a bit in his own world, his own bubble, quite a few times. Now she doesn’t scream very much, but if she is upset, he struggles to put down what he is doing so that he can take her. So it will be me who has to do it, for example when I Maybe that’s what gets a little better. Rømmar to the guest room But even if it is currently uncertain what the next competition will be for Ingebrigtsen, the training job must be done. Almost every day. Therefore, he will continue to live as a top athlete, and take the measures necessary for him to be in top form. – I think that if there are howls and screams, I will find myself in the guest room. Fortunately, Elisabeth is quite experienced at these things. Whether I have a break or not, she makes sure that I recover or do what I need to stay fit, he says. TV STARS: news met the Ingebrigtsen brothers and their wives in connection with the launch of the new documentary series about them. Photo: NTB Elisabeth is his closest supporter, at least off the field. And talks about “we” when she looks back on the season this year and on what will happen next year. Then there is the WC in Tokyo, among other things. – We have had better seasons, we have. He has run the fastest he has ever done in the 1,500, took Olympic gold in the 5,000 meters and set the world record in the 3,000 meters. When you think back, it has been a really sick season. Especially considering how the winter was. – But if you had asked him himself, then we agree that we are not completely satisfied. I know it’s nice to have something to work towards next season as well. Now the 1500 gold is going home, I know, says Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen. Here it goes wrong 00:33 Touching funeral for “Svennis” 01:05 Representing Norway in “new” sport 01:10 See highlights from Tviberg’s career 00:59 Show more Published 16/09/2024, at 15.35 Updated 16.09.2024, at 15.38
