– I was worried about her safety – news Vestland

Ukrainian Kateryna Kozhoma was killed with 16 stab wounds in a hotel room at the Magic Hotel on Danmarks plass in Bergen last year. On Monday, her sister said in Hordaland District Court that she was worried about Kateryna and her relationship with the man who has now been charged. – She kept saying: I don’t know what he has in his head. I don’t know what he can come up with, said Marina Svrhiienko (35). The accused man sat at the back of the courtroom, so that the sister would not have to look at him while she explained herself. He had looked down at the floor during her explanation. Became jealous of the child The sister said that the two initially had a stable relationship. But that everything changed when they had children together. The defendant is said to have become jealous that she paid attention to the child. The man gradually became aggressive and spoke condescendingly to his sister. Once he allegedly kicked her when she was carrying her son in her arms. – When we wanted to confront him, she asked us not to. She said there would be more arguing and that he would then not leave her alone, Svrhiienko said. In the time before the murder, she allegedly tried to record his threats on a dictaphone in order to gather evidence. – She said to me: “This man here, you can’t just walk away.” I have to get him to leave me,” the sister told the court. MURDERED: Kateryna Kozhoma (31) wanted to divorce her husband. The relationship between them must have been full of conflict. She is said to have also been subjected to violence and threats. The defendant herself said that she was afraid of him during the trial. Photo: Private – What can others who live in violent relationships learn from this murder case? – Women really have to be careful with who they choose to be with. They must take the smallest signs, and the first situations that arise, seriously, says Svrhiienko to news. GOOD MOTHER: Ellen Eikeseth Mjøs is legal aid for Kateryna Kozhoma’s sister and son. – She was a good and caring mother and was a dear sister, says Mjøs. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news – Should have cut apples After the couple arrives in Norway, Kateryna files for divorce. – He hurt her all the time. She was so tired. He screamed at her and threatened her, saying he was going to kill her, Svrhiienko said. They still continue to meet and do things together as a family. The sister explained in court that Kateryna became more afraid of the man after that. The accused man also said during his statement last week that Kateryna “constantly” said she was afraid of him. – I couldn’t understand it, he said, his voice cracking. The accused allegedly threatened her in the months before she was killed. He allegedly sent pictures of himself sewing his mouth shut and cutting himself on the hand. That made her seek out a crisis center together with her son. She also reported the man, but later withdrew the report. The prosecutor believes that the murder was planned. – Death threats were made in advance and the knife was brought the same day, says state attorney Sigurd Åsnes Granli. In the hours before the murder, he is said to have retrieved a kitchen knife from the communal kitchen where he lived. The defendant himself claims that he was supposed to take it with him on a picnic. – The knife was always there to cut apples or food. Not to kill, the man said during his explanation. PLANNED: Public prosecutor Sigurd Åsnes Granli, the prosecutor in the case, believes that the accused man planned the murder of his wife, Kateryna Kozhoma. The accused rejects this. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news – Wanted to scare her A few hours before the murder, the accused man wanted to meet her. He wrote “I will make you happy today”. Her sister explained that she tried to prevent the meeting between them. – I was very worried about her safety. I said: Don’t go to him, don’t talk to him, Svrhiienko said. Nevertheless, they picked up their son from kindergarten together this day. The atmosphere between them is tense. They argue about the child and the future. Shortly after they return to the hotel room at the Magic Hotel in Solheimsviken, Kateryna Kozhoma is stabbed 16 times. Several of the stings were fatal. – I wanted to scare her, said the man. DEFENDER: Lawyer Per-Erik Gåskjenn defends the 40-year-old man from Azerbaijan accused of killing Kateryna Kozhoma. They had a child together. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news Does not remember the murder The defendant claims that he does not remember the act of murder itself. He explained that he hadn’t slept in days and felt like a “robot”. Eventually he comes to himself. – I remember seeing blood on my hands and that she was lying there. He runs and fetches a nurse at the hotel, which served as an asylum reception. – There was such a loud and violent banging on the door that I was scared and thought I was in danger, she told the court. She described the defendant as hysterical. Kozhoma was transported to Haukeland University Hospital, but died after a short time Published 16.09.2024, at 18.31
