Man charged with rape of children under 14 – news Vestland

A man is charged under section 299 of the Criminal Code, for the rape of a child under 14 years of age. – He does not accept criminal liability, says defender Jørgen Riple. The prosecution has asked for four weeks’ detention with a ban on letters and visits and has been granted it. One of the wicks is fully insulated. The detention meeting in Hordaland district court on Saturday morning was closed to the press. – It is a decision that is taken out of consideration for the investigation and for the parties involved, says police attorney Katrine Engelsgjerd Eikestad. Police prosecutor Katrine Engelsgjerd Eikestad will not comment on the man’s age, where the incident should have taken place or the relationship between the accused and the offender. Photo: Stian Sørum Røkenes / news – The victim is a minor, and there are circumstances on my client’s part that make it desirable to have closed doors, says Riple. Has not explained Police Attorney Eikestad will not comment on the age of the accused, when or where the incident should have occurred. – As of now, it is far too early to go out with it. She says that the investigation is in an early phase and that the police, out of consideration for those involved, will not comment on the content of the case or the investigation. Lawyer Jørgen Riple defends the accused man, who pleads not guilty. Photo: Stian Sørum Røkenes / news The man did not explain himself to the police on Saturday morning. Defense attorney Jørgen Riple tells news that he has asked that the client be released. – I have advised him to wait to answer questions and to answer no to the question of criminal liability, says defender Jørgen Riple. Nor will Riple say anything about the relationship between the accused and the offended party. Hi! Did you think of anything in particular when you read the case? Or do you have tips for other things I should look into? Please get in touch. Published 14.09.2024, at 13.49 Updated 14.09.2024, at 13.56
