New landslide in Ringebu – E6 was blocked, but is now open again – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

A passenger car was hit by the landslide, but no one is said to have been injured during the incident. The road was closed until it was cleared and the area was checked by geologists. Photo: Anne-Joo Cecilie Naomi Schrøder Lexander / news Bjørn Inge Holter in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says that the geologists have not found anything to indicate that there will be new landslides at the site. The road was reopened a little before 4 p.m. Operations manager Haagen Løvseth confirms to news that the driver who was hit by the slide was fine. This must have been significantly smaller than the landslide that occurred close by on Tuesday this week. The police say that the landslide appears to have started approx. 100 meters further up. It must have been only 3–4 meters wide, and the height of the avalanche mass in the lane around 20–30 cm high. Closed in both lanes The road was closed again between Tretten and Fåvang just north of Mageli Camping. Photo: Anne-Joo Cecilie Naomi Schrøder Lexander / news The Road Administration advised people to drive via fv 255, and traffic between Oslo-Trondheim to drive rv. 3 through Østerdalen. Erling Brandsæter is caretaker at the Mageli campsite, which is located right next to the crash site. He says that the collapse itself did not look violent. What worries him most is the closure of the E6. – It stops all traffic through the entire valley. It’s also closed at the back, he says. Nevertheless, he emphasizes that they are getting used to such events. EXPERIENCED: Caretaker at Mageli campsite, Erling Brandsæter, says that they are starting to gain good experience with flood and landslide threats. – It’s a bit worrying, but it’s nothing we haven’t experienced before, says Bransæter. Much exposed The area has been exposed to floods and landslides several times recently. On Tuesday morning, a large landslide of between 30 and 40 meters occurred across the E6 also at Krekke in Ringebu municipality, close to today’s landslide. The E6 and dozens of county roads have also been closed for large parts of this week, as a result of heavy rain, floods and landslides. This created significant consequences for traffic, and long queues arose at the site. E6 was then closed with immediate effect. The old European road that runs parallel and a local bypass on the opposite side of Gudbrandsdalslågen were also closed. – The E6 at the site is quite busy, so there will be some consequences, until the contractors have made an assessment of the site and cleared the road, operations manager Kristian Svarstad said then. Area at risk Bjørn Inge Holter of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says that they are always on the lookout for landslides after a period of rainfall such as the one we have had in the last week. – Normally speaking, the situation will always calm down when the rainfall is over and we have control over the water quantities. At the same time, he says that it is difficult to have complete control when it is as wet as it is in the area now. Published 13.09.2024, at 11.18 Updated 13.09.2024, at 16.25
