– Don’t be surprised – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Today, the nomination committee in the Labor Party in Sør-Trøndelag presented its proposal for a list before next year’s parliamentary election. Yesterday it became clear that eight out of nine members of the committee do not want Trond Giske on the list. – I knew how the committee was made up, so I am not surprised to that extent, says Giske today. Although he is not on the committee’s proposed list, he has not given up. – Ultimately, it is the members of the Trøndelag Labor Party who decide. – Confident of the members’ integrity Yesterday it became clear that only one of the members of the nomination committee – Pål Sture Nilsen, leader of the Trondheim Labor Party – wants Giske on the list proposal. – I’m surprised that they haven’t looked into what the members have recorded. The proposal for the list will be sent to the local legislature before the nomination committee’s final recommendation will be ready on 17 October. The nomination meeting itself takes place on 30 November. Then it is the members of the Trøndelag Labor Party who decide who will be on the electoral list. – I am very confident in the integrity and autonomy of the members of the Trøndelag Labor Party, says Giske. – They will make their choice on 30 November and I am very optimistically looking forward to that choice. Pål Sture Nilsen was the only member of the nomination committee who wanted Giske on the list. The picture was taken on another occasion. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news The climate minister wants Giske Tidlegare to throw Tore O. Sandvik into the debate on Friday. He is a former county mayor in Trøndelag and now acts as climate and environment minister. In a post on Facebook, Sandvik writes that government power is still within reach of the Labor Party, but then they must win at least three mandates from the Sør-Trøndelag constituency. “The surest way to mess it up is to be more concerned with yourself, than the everyday and the future of those we ask for trust from,” he writes in the post. On Friday, Giske opened the Tranmæl Festival at Folkets hus in Trondheim. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news In the article, Sandvik advocates that Giske should get third place on the list. The Labor Party won three mandates from the Sør-Trøndelag electorate in the 2021 parliamentary election. “… If we are actually going to assemble the team, Trond should have third place and the nomination meeting should focus on that. Trond should also contribute to that,” writes Sandvik. Earlier the same evening, Storting politician Kirsti Leirtrø announced that she withdrew from the nomination process. – There can be some stiff smiles When news hits Giske on Friday afternoon, it’s at Folkets hus in Trondheim. Nidaros social democratic forum and Trondheim Arbeidarparti are organizing “Tranmælfestivalen 2024” there. Nidaro’s social democratic forum is the local team Giske has built up. – Those I have spoken to seem ready to fight on behalf of Giske, says political commentator in Adresseavisen, Siv Sandvik. – Here, Giske is among his own. Around 250 have turned up for the opening of the festival. – There can be some stiff smiles when members from other local teams come. Published 13.09.2024, at 17.45
