Man arrested after several overdoses in Trondheim – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The police confirm that they have arrested and charged a man with a drug offence. They do not rule out more arrests. – We have arrested a man this morning who has been charged with drug offences, who will be questioned during the day to determine his role in this case, says police attorney Anne Grethe Weberg Gunnersen. She cannot rule out that there is more of this substance in circulation now. – We want to warn the population that there is a potentially dangerous substance in circulation, and in particular want to warn the drug environment in Trondheim, says Gunnersen. Police attorney Anne Grethe Weberg Gunnersen warns about the dangerous substance. Photo: Arne Kristian Gansmo / news VG mentioned the case first. About GHB GHB is a centrally depressant drug that is illegal. Illegally produced products can contain different amounts of GHB, and there can be little difference between doses that produce intoxication and that cause unconsciousness. GHB is most often sold in liquid form. GHB is invisible and odorless when mixed into drinks. Has a mild salty taste that is difficult to detect. The risk of overdose is high because there is little margin between a drug dose and a dose that leads to sleep or coma. Ingestion of GHB can also lead to dizziness, headache, vomiting, muscle weakness, confusion, lack of judgment and fatigue. In more severe cases, delusions, convulsions, restricted breathing, unconsciousness and death can occur. Has been used in cases of abuse and is also known as a “date rape drug”. Other “rape drugs” are rohypnol and ketamine. GHB is quickly absorbed into the body and excreted within a few hours. The substance can usually be detected in the blood a few hours after the end of ingestion, and up to approx. 12 hours in urine. Source: Folkehelseinstituttet, Rusopplysninga and Rusinfo In the last two days, ten people have overdosed on GHB in Trondheim. – There has been another overdose. It has gone well, but we are up to ten pieces now, said head of department, Anita Mian, at the health and overdose team on Friday morning to news. The police warn Both the police and the overdose team went out on Thursday morning to several parks in central Trondheim to warn people in the drug environment about the dangerous substance that is in circulation. People the police spoke to in the community said that people have fallen unconscious from putting only a little of the liquid in their mouths. – There are probably more bottles in circulation with this substance because there have been several overdoses in the city, almost at the same time, in several places in the city, task leader Håkon Jørgensen informed news. Operations leader Håkon Jørgensen Photo: Morten Børre Karlsen / news – Very vulnerable group On Friday, the health and overdose team in Trondheim had an evaluation meeting after they received a printout from AMK. – What I can say after the evaluation meeting is that the victims consist of two women and eight men aged 22 to 59. Several of them are from out of town, and are unknown to us. They do not belong to the drug environment here, says department head, Anita Mian. Seven of the ten people who have overdosed on GHB are linked to the same bottle, which has now been seized. – This is a very vulnerable group, but the municipality has good preparedness when things happen and everyone involved is well taken care of, says Mian. Experience the overdose differently Mian says that the patients who have taken an overdose related to GHB have experienced the event very differently. – Some of them woke up quite quickly after taking it, while others ended up in deep unconsciousness. So it has been different how they have been followed up, says Mian, and explains: – Some were sent to the intensive care unit because they were unconscious, but it is a bit about what drugs they have taken before they have taken GHB. If there is something at the bottom where GHB is also taken on top of it, then it can intensify. Therefore, it can be different how you experience that overdose. Published 13.09.2024, at 13.06 Updated 13.09.2024, at 14.06
