Danish Commission of Inquiry presents report on the fire at “Scandinavian Star” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In 2022, a Danish report concluded that the Danish Maritime Authority had a duty to check the “Scandinavian Star” before the first trip with passengers in April 1990. This was never done. On Friday, a new report on the fire on board the Danish boat came from a commission that was looked down upon by the Danish Parliament and the Ministry of Justice in Denmark. They conclude that lives could have been saved if the mandatory port inspection had been carried out, says commission leader Kristina Siig to news. – Since it is firmly established that it should have been port control, we can conclude that if he had been carried out, the crew would have received the fire drill which would have enabled them to help passengers to save themselves. Rejects economic motive 159 people died from coal ash and prussic acid gas after several arson on board “Scandinavian Star” on 7 April 1990, a week after the ship’s management took over. There have been many theories behind the murder fire on the Danish boat in the more than 30 years that have passed. Among other things, that there could be talk of sabotage or an economic motive. The Danish commission has looked more closely at these two theories, but has not been able to find any evidence that this could be behind the fire. – We conclude that there cannot be a financial motive for setting fire to the ship. The way the contract is set up does not support that there was a financial motive, says Siig. Nor is there any basis for claiming that sabotage should have led to large quantities of diesel fuel fueling the fire, she says. – We have not been able to make new fire technical investigations, because we do not have enough data. But the theory of diesel oil, we can reject. In any case, it could not have happened in the way that many people think. She points out, among other things, that the oil that was found was on the ashes, and therefore must have leaked out after the fire. I don’t think we will get definitive answers After more than 30 years, there are many questions about the fire that still lack answers. Among other things, who tended to. Several documentaries and books have tried to find answers. In addition, the police in Oslo have had new reviews of the case, and in 2017 the report came from the commission of inquiry set up by the Storting to investigate the fire, which also rejected sabotage and financial motives. Siig thinks we will never be able to get clear answers about who was behind it. – We do not have enough facts. There is too much documentation that is missing. This means that we will be sitting with different truths. We can’t do anything about that. It’s too late. You can watch the documentary about “Scandinavian Star” on news TV: On the night of 7 April 1990, the Scandinavian Star sails out of Oslo on its way to Frederikshavn. The meeting with the ship is chaotic for both passengers and crew Published 13/09/2024, at 15.40 Updated 13.09.2024, at 16.49
