Do not want more tourists to Tromsø – news Troms and Finnmark

– We have seen fantastic growth for Tromsø. This winter alone, we have a record number of new international routes. That’s what Martin Langaas, route development manager at Avinor, says. Last winter, there were over 300,000 foreign passengers at Tromsø Airport. This year, Avinor expects that there will be 150,000 more. – We have managed to fill up both the city of Tromsø and the airport in a way that means that we may have to let the capacity sink in a little, before we chase more new airlines into Tromsø. Last week he helped open a new international terminal at Tromsø Airport. But it is already too small. – We are entering a demanding winter. The capacity of incoming travelers is at the limit of what we can handle, says Langaas. Martin Langaas, route development manager at Avinor Photo: Avinor Wants greater sustainability The route development manager asks to what extent Tromsø will be able to accommodate the tourists coming this winter. – It’s about sustainable tourism: That there are enough restaurants, activities and hotels. – That it will be a good experience, so that Tromsø does not appear as a city where there are too many guests and too few offers. A year and a half ago, hotel prices in Tromsø were twice as high as in New York and London. Rakettkiosken’s outdoor seating area is well visited by tourists. Photo: Eskild Johansen / news Langaas believes that tourists should go elsewhere, until Tromsø is sized for all tourists. This is happening at the same time as several direct routes to and from Tromsø Airport have been launched towards the coming winter season. – Our focus will now shift a little from Tromsø, and towards Lofoten, says Langaas. Avinor wants to send more tourists year-round to, among other things, Lofoten. Photo: Synnøve Sundby Fallmyr Thinks there is room for more At the beginning of June, Norwegian launched two new direct routes. The airline EasyJet is also stepping up: This winter there will be seven new routes between Tromsø and Europe, and two to Oslo. A few days later, Norwegian launched even more international routes to and from Tromsø. The airline Vueling also now flies to and from Tromsø Airport. The seven routes from EasyJet were not enough: in August they launched another direct route. Trond Øverås, managing director of Nordnorsk reiseliv, believes that it is possible for Tromsø to welcome even more guests than they have done so far. Trond Øverås, managing director of Nordnorsk reiseliv. Photo: Rebekka Ellingsen / news At the same time, he, and the tourism industry, agree that there are sometimes quite a few visitors to the Paris of the Nordics. In the winter season, this applies in particular to February. – But Tromsø is a whimsical port. There are many who work to spread the traffic out of Tromsø. In this way, Tromsø and the surrounding region can develop well. Considering taking a “tolerance limit analysis” Compared to July 2023, accommodation companies in the north had an increase of 10 per cent in July 2024, according to figures from NHO. The increase in Troms and Finnmark was 7 per cent, while Nordland had the largest, with a 13 per cent increase in total traffic for accommodation companies. – There is no doubt that we have the potential to welcome more guests in northern Norway, says Sigrid Ina Simonsen, regional director of NHO Arctic. Should the tourists be dispersed beyond several cities and municipalities? Yes No Not sure, tourists should be allowed to decide for themselves Show result Tromsø municipality will not say anything about whether the pain limit has been reached or not. That’s what section leader for industry and sustainability, Sigrid Mogård Jansen, says. She points out that the politicians in the municipality decided in June that they want a new tourism strategy for Tromsø. – It is natural to carry out a tolerance limit analysis to see how much pressure Tromsø can withstand, as part of it. – Could there be a danger that you will have to slow down? – It is important to have a good knowledge base and good participation, when it comes to how we want Tromsø as a tourism destination, place of residence and society to develop further. Published 13.09.2024, at 16.05
