Anne Marthe lost her veins in the pursuit of success on social media – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– The thought was scary. It is obvious that many people see it as very embarrassing, myself included. Photographer and influencer Anne Marthe Widvey thought of asking her followers if anyone wanted to be her friend. – I thought “no, gurimalla this is embarrassing and uncomfortable”. But then she did it anyway. Lost veins in the pursuit of success Anne Marthe is from Karmøy, but lives in Sandnes with her husband and three cats. On Instagram she has over 36,000 followers, but she does not have thousands of friends in private. – I simply lack veins. We need someone to do things with and not just us and our cats, she says. How did you get there that you don’t actually have that many real friends? – But that is probably what the pursuit of success is all about, that there are often a lot of disadvantages. And one of them is that you tend to lose veins along the way. Because then you sit there and then it was just me. At the same time, she saw others sharing photos from large May 17 celebrations and weddings, surrounded by lots of people. – It always hurts a little when you see it and you tend to become more aware of it, says the influencer. Therefore, she plucked up the courage and asked her followers on Instagram if anyone wanted to be friends with them. And the response? Over 1000 likes and many comments, but also a couple of new veins. Anne Marthe Widvey thought she had nothing to lose before she posted this post on Instagram. Photo: screenshot / instagram – People have contacted us and want to be friends with us and meet us. It has been incredibly fun. After only a few days, Anne Marthe and her husband met a new pair of friends. – We had so much fun that we didn’t want to leave each other. We have already arranged a new hanging day. So it’s very nice. Now she is happy that she dared to go outside her comfort zone and publish the post. More difficult for adults than children Anne Marthe is not alone in not having so many veins. – There are many people who experience for various reasons that they do not have as many veins, or as close veins as one would like, says professor of psychology Frode Thuen. And it can be perceived as difficult to acquire new habits, but it is not impossible. – You almost have to proceed in a new way in order to get out of loneliness, or for the situation to improve. So announcing it publicly like Anne Marthe has done, I think is absolutely fantastic, praises Thuen. In addition, it can be more difficult for adults than for children to get new veins, says the psychologist. – Adults often have to make a more active effort, make contact, show initiative and that one wants to make friends. – Always someone who fits with you But regardless of age, it can be scary to show that you want a new friend. – But there is always someone who fits with you. That’s what Hans Lukas Engan Stene says. He started secondary school in the autumn and has had the chance to experience exactly this. – When I started here I didn’t know anyone, but now I can say that I am friends with everyone. It is only daring to bid for oneself. One of the people he has become friends with since August is Isak Yttersian, who moved all alone from the island municipality of Frøya to Trondheim to start secondary school. – Be open and don’t be afraid to talk to someone, advises Isak. Hans Lukas also believes that it is important to jump into it and not be afraid to acquire new skills – as Anne Marthe has done. – Dare to offer yourself, and don’t be afraid. Everyone wanted new veins. Hans Lukas Engan Stene and Isak Yttersian have become good friends after they started in the same class at Thora Storm secondary school in August. Photo: Linn Elisabeth Skarrud / news Both the two friends think it is possible for everyone to make a new friend. – There is always someone who is similar to you in one way or another. If you like to be by yourself, there is someone else who likes exactly the same. And Anne Marthe has also experienced that. – Many have contacted and asked if I would recommend them to do the same. And they should – everyone has to do the same, adds the influencer. Published 13.09.2024, at 12.07
