MDG believes the government’s solar energy policy is a failure – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– On a day like this, we produce much more than we need, says Rune Kippersund. He looks up at one of his two south-facing roofs, which are covered with solar cells and are now basking in the sun on Nøtterøy in Vestfold. Has lost favorable arrangements Kippersund estimates that on the sunniest days he produces around 100 kWh of electricity. – Even if the dishwasher runs and the laundry runs, we have a surplus, he smiles. But the smile hardens quickly. For now he feels cheated. Before, Kippersund could save the excess electricity he produces in a kind of virtual battery at the power company. This means that all the electricity Kippersund produced in the summer, he could save and take out, for example, in the winter. A bit in the same way that hydropower producers can save on water when prices are low and it’s windy and the sun is shining, and can sell it when the need for power is greater and prices are higher. Only that in his case it was his electricity company that offered him this. Now that possibility disappears. Because of that, the company lost financially. – In a way, we are not taken into account. When the power companies decide, they can do whatever they want, he despairs and explains that he feels like a power slave. On sunny days, the roofs of Kippersund can produce up to 100 kWh. These days, the power he produces goes back to the grid and out to other customers. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news The power companies: Not financially sustainable news has been in contact with two of the companies that have offered the favorable “virtual solar accounts” and are now making changes. Both justify it by saying that it is a loss-making project for them in competition with other companies that want to make money. Haugaland Kraft Energi says that they wanted to continue the offer. But due to large variations in electricity prices throughout the day, the current conditions pose too great a risk, the company explains in an e-mail to news. On 13 August they notified their customers of the changes which were to take effect on 20 September. After the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority contacted them, they have now decided to wait to discontinue the power storage service until 31 December 2024. Fjordkraft also says in an e-mail that large price differences are the reason why they are now changing their arrangement. They refer to the large differences in price between summer and winter. Now they are introducing a limit on how many kWh you can have on your solar account. Fjordkraft believes it is a public task to offer support schemes that make it possible to reach the target of 8 TWh power production, for example through Enova support. – Treats solar energy as an insignificant hobby In the Storting, Une Bastholm in MDG is impatient. She sees how our neighboring countries invest much more in solar power and calls the government’s policy in the field a failure. – We need a much stronger and targeted investment in solar in Norway. Sweden is seven times and Denmark six times better in terms of how much installed solar power they have, she explains. There is also an environmental perspective here, the party believes. MDG believes that the government treats solar energy as a hobby. Une Bastholm demands more investment in solar. Photo: William Jobling / news Because at the same time that the reduction of nature is being discussed, hundreds of thousands of roofs are unused. – There is a large untapped potential in Norway related to solar energy, says Bastholm. Would you consider rooftop solar power if it were cheaper? Yes No Don’t know Show result She also supports the solar power producers in that it is unpredictable to invest in solar production in Norway today. Enova has also reduced the support schemes for solar power. – We have not made changes that make it more unattractive to produce electricity ourselves, says Energy Minister Terje Aasland. – Enova’s support schemes have decreased, haven’t they? – But it is still present, he says. Aasland believes the government is well underway in making arrangements for solar power. – We want solar to become an important part of the overall power system we have in Norway, says the energy minister. Among other things, he wants to make it easier for municipalities to say yes to solar power plants. – No encroachment on nature The solar power producer in Vestfold does not understand that in an age where there is talk of limiting encroachment on nature, the possibility of using all the private roofs around the country is not considered. Kippersrud believes that people are not aware of the opportunities to do something about the conditions aimed at ordinary people. – This is no natural intervention. Here I put a solar panel on an existing house. And that is the opportunity that you should also use and that I think the politicians should be aware of, he says. He even considered putting a solar panel on the henhouse as well, but has concluded that it is not worthwhile now. Aasland emphasizes that the electricity sales companies also have a responsibility to follow up and provide information in a good way. He asks them to have orderly contractual relations. – The electricity sales companies must have proper agreements with the customers, he says. Published 12.09.2024, at 05.26
