Gudbrandsdalen is closed to car and train traffic – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

If you are going to drive or take the train between Oslo and Trondheim, you must allow for detours and extra time. The E6 through Gudbrandsdalen is closed in Ringebu, due to landslides as a result of the large amounts of rainfall in the last 24 hours. In addition, the Dovrebanen is still closed between Hunderfossen and Ringebu. It is critical, says the emergency manager. – Critical infrastructure The rainfall that has fallen over large parts of Eastern Norway has set several records. In Gausdal, according to the meteorologists, 110 percent of the normal for the whole of September has come in one day. According to the Meteorological Institute, it has rained abnormally much at Flisa, at Kongsvinger and in Engerdal municipality between 08 Monday and at 08 Tuesday. Photo: Skjermdump / Meteorological Institute A number of households have had to evacuate and in several places the local population has lost road access to their houses in Gausdal, Ringebu and in Øyer, which appear to have been hardest hit. The county emergency manager in Innlandet, Asbjørn Lund, describes the situation as serious. – It is quite serious. Both the E6 and the Dovrebanen are national critical infrastructure. We are concerned that it should be passable as much as possible. Not only for the local community, but also for the operation of both Innlandet and Norway. At Fåvang, approx. 25 people are evacuated on Monday due to the large bodies of water. Here at Tromsnesvegen, directly above the E6, the road is completely damaged. Photo: Even Lusæter / news NVE has downgraded the flood risk from orange to yellow for the interior and southern parts of Trøndelag. The risk of landslides and landslides is still at the orange level in Eastern Norway. – What we are most worried about right now is that the ground is so saturated with water that landslides and landslides can still occur. There is still an orange warning out there, says Lund. Too dangerous to open the E6 On Tuesday morning, a landslide of between 30 and 40 meters occurred over the E6 at Krekke in Ringebu municipality. E6 was then closed with immediate effect. The old European road that runs parallel and a local bypass on the opposite side of Gudbrandsdalslågen are also closed. – In consultation with geologists, the heap is now far too large for us to move into the area and start work. It is also not advisable to open any roads here until we have more stable ground to work with, says senior advisor Bjørn Inge Holter. On Wednesday, a new assessment will be made, in consultation with geologists. – We will not open any road until we have a “go” from them, Holter explains. Train traffic on the Dovrebanen stops Train traffic between Oslo and Trondheim on the Dovrebanen has been closed since Tuesday. The section is now closed between Ringebu and Hunderfossen due to landslides and damage. – It is directly linked to the amount of rainfall we have had in the last 24 hours. We have had several landslides that have blocked the track in Gudbrandsdalen. And here, between Brumunddal and Rudshøgda, there has been a stream that overflowed its banks, explains line manager Phillippe Olivier. It was also closed between Brumunddal and Moelv, but this stretch will be open again on Wednesday morning. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Provisional forecast for opening further north is Wednesday at 12, but Bane Nor makes a new assessment of this on Wednesday. Line manager Phillippe Olivier was on site along the train line near Rudshøgda on Tuesday evening to inspect the work. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news Not the first time the Dovrebanen has been closed It is not the first time traffic through Gudbrandsdalen has been stopped due to storms. During the extreme weather Hans in August last year, the railway bridge Randklev bridge in Ringebu collapsed. Train traffic stopped for nine months and only in May this year, the bridge reopened. This is what it looked like when the railway bridge was damaged during the flood last summer. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Published 11.09.2024, at 07.30 Updated 11.09.2024, at 07.30
