– There could be extensive flooding – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Closed roads and train sections The Dovrebanen is closed to train traffic between Kvitfjell and Ringebu due to a landslide. Bane Nor fears more landslides and the track will not be opened until a geologist has examined the area on Tuesday. Highway 25 Berg and Midtskogberget in Trysil, the road is closed due to damage to the road. Detour sign. Fylkesvei 2174 Smeia in Trysil, danger of closed road due to flooding. Exit road on the E6 Globus bridge in Ringsaker, closed due to flooding. Fylkesvei 2542 Rudsstugua in Gausdal, closed due to flooding. County road 254 Vassrud and Tretten i Øyer are closed due to flooding. Fylkesvei 1774 Strandsaga bridge in Ringsaker is closed due to flooding. Fylkesvei 1714 Veldre sag in Ringsaker in Inlandet is closed due to a landslide. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration reports flooding on county road 2568 at Strandborgen in Ringebu. County road 2220 Myra in Rendalen is closed due to flooding. County road 2460 at Nybråten in Sør-Aurdal is closed due to flooding. County road 2432 between Rud and Bakke in Nordre Land is affected by flooding. In Vest-Torpavegen, county road 2432 in Nordre Land municipality, access is reduced due to flooding. There has been a rockslide/landslide on the E16 in Vang in Valdres. Two lanes are affected. County road 2432 between Rud and Bakke in Nordre Land is affected by flooding. In Gausdal, a stream overflowed its banks, and that the water gushed between two houses. On county road 255 between Svatsum and Brattlandshågån in Gausdal there is a lot of water in the road. On county road 2528, flooding has been reported both at Brustuen and Frøyse in Gausdal, the road is closed. County road 60 in Sør-Aurdal is closed due to water over the road. Between 50 and 70 mm was measured in the interior of Eastern Norway during the night to Tuesday, according to the Meteorological Institute at X. They also report that the worst rain has moved east, and there will still be around 25–40 mm until Tuesday morning. Most in the far east. Further west, the precipitation comes in the form of showers with local variations. Most incidents in Ringsaker The police in the hinterland receive some reports about closed roads, floods and water damage in the hinterland. So far not on a large scale, they write in an update at 01:00. It is then in Ringsaker municipality where there are the most incidents. The watercourse Båhusbekken, which comes from the north down towards Brumunddal, has a high water flow, and there is some flooding in areas down towards and in the center down towards the E6, according to the police. Ringsaker municipality is working on this, and the police are monitoring the situation, including with a drone. Evacuees in Ringebu On Monday evening, several houses in Fåvang in Ringebu were evacuated due to heavy water flow in a nearby stream. There have been several slips and landslides in the areas of Fåvang and Krekke. At 23.15, municipal director Håvard Gangsås in Ringebu informs news that 25 people have been evacuated, spread over 15 houses. The evacuation has gone well, says Gangsås: – They are either offered to spend the night in a hotel or they stay with family and friends on safe grounds. Everyone has had to arrange it now. The municipality has sent out residents’ notices and knocked on doors where the municipality considered it dangerous to stay. He says he does not have a complete overview of the injuries, but that as of now there is no question of serious injuries. In Ringsaker, a housing estate is flooded. – The water is almost up to the roof, says Anita Stalsberg, who lives in a basement flat in the Hamar Arbeiderblad area. A stream has overflowed its banks and taken another course. Problems on the roads The rainy weather has also had consequences for traffic. This led, among other things, to the E6 between Fåvang and Tretten in Gudbrandsdalen being closed for part of the evening. Just before 10.30 p.m., Vegtrafikksentralen confirms to news that the road has partially reopened. At 23.15, traffic operator Christofa Key-Nilsen says that the main roads are mostly open. – A number of smaller county roads are closed and flooded. If you are going out for a drive, you should check the weather and forecast, so that you do not end up on closed roads. Consider whether it is necessary to go out, she says to news. There are long queues due to the closed E6. Photo: Mari Ranheim / news On the E16 in Valdres, the water gushed over the road at Fønhus south of Bagn and caused the road to be closed for a period, but is now open in one lane. Vegtrafikksentralen East reports that the road may be closed again at short notice. For passenger cars, there are possible detours via county road 2458 Austsidevegen. Heavier vehicles can drive national road 7. Nikolai Øyhus directed the traffic at the scene and says that there was far too much water for the culvert to remove. – The problem arose a little higher up a county road, and the water has come in waves downwards. Nikolai Øyhus directs the traffic at the site and says that they are working to keep the road open. Photo: Stine Bækkelien / news This is a busy road and is the main connection between Oslo and Bergen. Excavation work has been done on the site to get rid of the water. – We have to try to keep it open. Until then, we will direct the traffic, says Øyhus. Expected to hit Østerdalen New forecasts show that the rainfall will hit Østerdalen the hardest. This came to light at a meeting with around 350 emergency responders in Innlandet, Østfold, Buskerud, Oslo and Akershus on Monday afternoon. The transport department in Innlandet County Municipality has set up a crisis team. – We are monitoring the situation carefully, both weather reports and messages we receive. We consider at all times whether we need to reallocate resources, says Arne Fredheim, head of section in Innlandet County Municipality. One of the places that is monitored in particular is the Randklev road bridge in Ringebu, which has been closed after the damage the bridge suffered during the extreme weather “Hans” last year. – We check whether there is movement in the bridge and monitor the water level in Lågen. Section leader for roads in Innlandet County Municipality, Arne Fredheim. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news If the water level gets too high, it can cause problems for the bridge. – We have monitored the bridge over time and it went well during the spring flood, and we hope that it will go well now too, says Fredheim. Can have consequences like under “Hans” While the sun shines and warms up to tropical night in large parts of Northern Norway, it rains down over Eastern Norway and Trøndelag. In some areas, the amounts of water can have consequences as great as “Hans”, NVE warns. Large parts of Eastern Norway and Trøndelag are characterized by several orange danger warnings this Monday. – It is a serious warning that we have sent out, so we encourage both private individuals and the municipalities to do what they can to avoid damage, says NVE hydrologist Kristina Tvedalen. DANGER OF FLOODING: On Sunday, NVE raised the danger warning from yellow to orange level for both floods and landslides in the interior and southern parts of Trøndelag. Photo: NVE At 11 o’clock, NVE reports that it is still uncertain how the weather will develop, and that they are following the situation closely. Floods and landslides could affect accessibility and lead to destruction of roads, railways and buildings, they write. – The areas that are hit by the rain could suffer as much damage as the extreme weather “Hans” caused, says flood watcher Thomas Væringstad. EXTREME WEATHER: Photo from “Hans” last year. NVE says that the extreme weather today will “quickly develop into a serious situation, with a great risk of flooding and landslides in places prone to landslides”. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Væringstad also reminds that there is still time to prepare for the weather to come. – Clean gutters, basins and other waterways free of gravel, litter, twigs and leaves. Move garden furniture and valuables away from areas that may be flooded. – This also applies to owners of caravans, cars and farmers who have round bales lying in exposed areas, says Væringstad. Danger in several places The danger warning applies from today, where it is expected to be worst in the afternoon, before it should decrease on Tuesday morning. As of now, it is thought to be worst south of Trondheim, down Dovrefjell and Østerdalen, and down to southern parts of Innlandet. Your browser does not support the embedding of external content. In several places, it can reach up to 80 millimeters in 24 hours, locally even more. Night to Tuesday there is also a risk of up to 20 millimeters of rain in one hour. Tvedalen in NVE says that it is a combination of heavy rainfall, and an already moist ground from a very wet summer, which together make up the degree of severity for the flood risk in the next 24 hours. – There could be extensive flooding, erosion damage and flood damage in exposed places, she says. Danger warnings have also been issued for both lightning and torrential rain in some places in Eastern, Western and Southern Norway, both of which are currently at the yellow level. Challenging driving conditions It may not come as a surprise that the heavy rainfall will also cause problems on the roads. State meteorologist Eldbjørg Moxnes, the rain could lead to flash floods and the risk of hydroplaning. – The biggest danger will probably be when the rain is at its most intensive, at the end of the rainfall episode tonight and tonight. DANGER ZONES: The danger warnings apply to parts of Eastern Norway and the southernmost parts of Trøndelag. Photo: NVE Moxnes says that it is difficult to say where the weather will cause the most traffic problems, but that the areas within the orange danger warning are particularly vulnerable. – In the middle of Innlandet county, really. Traffic operator in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Michael Olsen, says that they are also prepared for the upcoming rainy day, and are on standby. – Pay close attention. Both in the media, Yr and traffic reports on 175.no, so you know more about what to expect. Keep an extra good distance, heavy rain makes it worse and when the road is wet we also get longer braking distances. He also warns those who have to go out on exposed roads to be aware of aquaplaning. Published 09/09/2024, at 13.58 Updated 10.09.2024, at 04.37
