Oline (1) was attacked – the mother strangled the eagle – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

On Saturday, 20-month-old Oline had been in the barn playing with her mother, Tonje Jakobsen. On the way across the yard, an eagle suddenly came out of the blue and attacked the little girl. – Mora throw herself forward and rise above the eagle, tells Oline’s father, Ole Marius Vormedal. He says that his wife got into a basket with the eagle, which clawed at Oline. – The claws only went further into the back of the head the more she fought. In the end, the mother took a stranglehold on the eagle until it released its grip on the daughter. – Then they ran into safety. Ole Marius was at work when his daughter was attacked. He almost thought he heard wrong when his wife called and told him what had happened. Photo: Sunniva Skurtveit / news Hit the eagle with a plank Neighbor Jon Roald Sandvik noticed the commotion nearby. When he and his wife came running up to the yard, the eagle was still sitting there. – I found a plank and tried to scare him away, he says. The eagle was not intimidated and continued to act aggressively. Even though he hit the eagle with the plank, it did not seem that the eagle was frightened. – You get scared, angry and get an adrenaline rush. I just thought that the eagle should get away from the yard as soon as possible. – It was a bit brutal treatment, I have to admit. The neighbor Jon Roald Sandvik quickly came running when he heard shouts from the neighboring garden. Photo: Sunniva Skurtveit / news Nevertheless, it did not look as if the bird was injured and it did not fly its way, says Sandvik. – I finally managed to chase him into the stone pile nearby. The eagle sat there until Ole Marius came home. Then the eagle attacked once again – the eagle came and snagged me before attacking Ole Marius. Then I saw how big the animal actually was. The two got in and the eagle was left sitting in the yard. Shortly afterwards, the game board came and euthanized the eagle. Jon Roald Sandvik says that he had to scare the eagle with a plank. Photo: Sunniva Skurtveit / news Under anesthesia In addition to a deep wound in the back of the head, Oline also had wounds on her cheek, face and under her chin. The girl was taken by ambulance to the emergency room and later to St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim. – There she was put under anesthesia to examine the injuries. The wound in the back of the head after the eagle clawed was particularly deep. It has resulted in two or three stitches in the back of the head, the father says. Although the girl came away without serious injuries, the incident has seen a shock. – Now she is in good shape physically, but is affected by the experience. She struggled to sleep. The mother and Oline’s two older siblings also found the incident very unpleasant. – They feel unsafe. Now the focus is on it being safe to be outside and play. – It is extremely traumatic, says the father. The eagle did not let itself be scared away and was euthanized shortly after the attack. Photo: Per Kåre Vinterdal Shocking Jon Roald Sandvik also says the experience has been shocking. – We never thought that children playing in the neighborhood would be attacked by eagles. He does not understand why the eagle attacked the girl next door. – Here there are rabbits, hens and cats walking in the yard and then the eagle attacks a little girl? – I understand very well that it was a tough experience for those who were attacked. It was in the garden square that the eagle suddenly attacked Photo: Sunniva Skurtveit / news – It is unlikely that there are more eagles After the dramatic incident, the eagle was quickly euthanized. In the last week, there have been four known cases of a golden eagle attacking a human. Jo Anders Auran, senior advisor in the wildlife section at the Norwegian Environment Agency, says the incident is very special. – It has never happened before that eagles have attacked humans, and then it happens four times in the course of a week. The golden eagle that attacked Arvid Flæte at Tyin on Tuesday. The golden eagle that was filmed by Francis Ari Sture on the way down from Glittertind on Thursday. The golden eagle photographed on Glittertind by Karl Martin Valestrand and his roommate Line Tveit on Thursday. The eagle that attacked Holtålen on Friday. The young golden eagle was euthanized after a 1.5-year-old girl was attacked in Trøndelag on Saturday. He thinks it may be the same eagle that has attacked four times. – This is so special that it is highly unlikely that there are several eagles who have done this. Auran says that the dead golden eagle will be examined by the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research and the Veterinary Institute on Tuesday. Published 09/09/2024, at 20.47 Updated 10.09.2024, at 17.28
