Tonight, Trump and Harris meet for the first time – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Finally it happens. Not only that Trump and Harris meet for a debate for the first time, but now the two presidential candidates will be allowed to talk politics together as well. There has been a lot of writing and mudslinging since the last debate. Then President Joe Biden lost his voice, and the debate was the beginning of the end for his dream of being re-elected. Now it’s Vice President Kamala Harris’ turn to face Donald Trump in a duel. She has set a completely different tone than her boss. It all starts on the night of Wednesday, at 03.00 Norwegian time. The debate will be broadcast live in its entirety on tonight, but will not be available afterwards on news’s ​​platforms due to restrictions related to rights. Watch and listen to Nyhetsmorgen from 06.00 on news Radio, on NRK1 and on P2 on Wednesday morning for summary and analysis. The debate itself will be held at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, in the swing state of Pennsylvania. It was in this city that the American Constitution was adopted and approved in 1787. The differences One of the major points of tension is the tone the two candidates adopt in the debate. Because a 78-year-old white man might have chosen a different strategy than a 59-year-old black woman. It can quickly become a show of contrasts where the differences between the two candidates become even clearer. Both believe the other will be dangerous for the US’s development. Both must sell their solution on how to make life better for Americans. Both have been at the top of American politics, have debate experience and may have to defend choices that have been made in the past. Both have turned around in political matters and can accuse each other of what they call “flip-flopping”. Both risk turning Americans against them. In any case, this debate is an arena where the candidates can speak to a larger audience. And that can have both positive and negative consequences. Just ask Joe Biden. Body language and expectations Expectations are high, not least because Harris has a background as a prosecutor. Here she meets a criminally indicted presidential candidate who is known for telling untruths. It may be that she takes a more aggressive and accusatory line than what Biden did against Trump. Trump himself has shown several times that he is not afraid to take a fight. Also, he has a lot more TV experience than Harris. Commentators will also assess body language and dynamics, where the candidates stand behind their respective podiums. Someone who might wish she had a podium was Hillary Clinton, who stood as a presidential candidate against Trump in 2016. She has written about an unpleasant experience during a public meeting in the election campaign, where Trump walked around the stage behind her while she spoke. The battle for voters The latest opinion polls show that this is going to be a record-breaking election. On Sunday, the New York Times published a poll showing that Trump has now slowed Harris’ progress after she took over as the Democratic presidential candidate. Now the two are exactly the same in all the important swing states. It seems to be very even in the seven so-called seesaw states. These states have a total of 94 electors. A candidate must secure at least 270 voters in total to win the election.Graphic: Susanne Stubberud Rom / news It seems to be very even in the seven so-called swing states. These states have a total of 94 electors. A candidate must secure at least 270 electors in total to win the election. Graphics: Susanne Stubberud Room / news The night’s debate is about gathering new voters. There was around 66 percent support in the last presidential election. There are still many who have not yet decided who they want to vote for. And this month, early voting begins in key swing states such as Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Trump has already used derogatory words about Harris and played on sexist and racist statements. He has called her backward and ugly (“defective”, “real garbage”, “nasty”). He has made fun of her name and questioned whether she is black or Indian. Negative comments and memes are formed on the internet and cultivated on Trump’s social platform. He himself has also forwarded a picture of her as a dung beetle with a dung face scribbling on a coconut. Harris has not highlighted either gender or skin color in the election campaign, so far. She has also declined to respond to Trump’s personal attacks, saying he is just using old, familiar methods. The polls show a completely even race in which the election is decided, but nationally Harris is ahead and could become America’s first female president, who also has parents from Jamaica and India. Debate rules The rules that apply are the same as last time during the 90-minute long debate: No effects or notes may be brought. No interaction with the campaign during the break. The microphone is turned off when the opponent has time to speak. No audience in the hall. This is the only debate the two have agreed to hold in the election campaign – so far. Crowns and coins have been tossed to decide who will stand where and who will hold the closing remarks last. Trump chose to speak last, while Harris chose to stand to the right. Microphone control Then there was this with the microphone. Mute microphone was something Trump and Biden agreed on, and which Harris wanted to change. One of the reasons why the sound on the microphone is important was made clear by Biden in the last election campaign: During one of the debates in 2020, he finally got so irritated by Trump’s constant interruptions that he finally just exclaimed quite exasperated: “Will you shut up, man” – “Can you shut up, man.” The Trump campaign has not wanted to change the rules, but rather keep the setup they agreed with the Biden campaign on earlier this year. American media believe Harris wanted the microphone to be on all the way so that the audience could hear which candidate could be disciplined and not interrupt the other. And should there be interruptions or accusations, both can immediately respond to the accusations. But the microphone will therefore be muted when the other person speaks. The preparations The campaigns work hard and creatively when they have to prepare the candidates before the debate. Kamala Harris has been preparing with Philippe Reynes, who also played Trump when Hillary Clinton practiced for a debate in 2016. Donald Trump has received help from Tulsi Gabbard, who was herself a Democrat and debated against Harris in the nomination battle in 2020. Often the greatest focus is on domestic politics. Abortion, illegal immigration and crime are expected to come up. Trump is accused of stalling a bipartisan deal on border security, but Vice President Harris doesn’t have many other political tools to show for it. How deeply the candidates delve into the details is unclear. Foreign affairs Foreign affairs are traditionally not considered particularly important when Americans decide who to vote for in presidential elections. But in the debate tonight, foreign policy issues may still come up, especially these two: Israel’s warfare in Gaza: Here, the Republicans have laid much of the blame for hostages being killed on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s policies. They believe the US has not given Israel free enough rein to go after militant Hamas fighters. Afghanistan: The topic has been brought up to date after Trump’s visit to the Arlington military cemetery outside Washington DC. He has received criticism for using the visit in a political campaign. It is a violation of federal rules against conducting political activity in an area of ​​the cemetery where American soldiers killed overseas are buried. The Democrats believe Trump showed disrespect and politically exploited the killed soldiers. In the campaign video, he blamed the chaotic withdrawal three years ago, and the deaths of the soldiers, on Biden’s policies. Trump out of the shadows? The crowd tonight could be the biggest for both Harris and Trump before the actual presidential election in November. This debate can help shape the election campaign further and define the candidates. Because it is only now in September that ordinary Americans start turning on their antennas to see who they want as commander-in-chief. It is worth noting that Trump has been somewhat in the shadows after the Democratic National Convention three weeks ago, where Harris was formally nominated as presidential candidate. It seems like he’s struggled to get on offense and figure out how to attack Harris. Night to Wednesday, we will perhaps get the answer to what measures he will take. Published 10.09.2024, at 18.42
