Wara and Velle at the top – Greater Oslo

Former Minister of Justice and FRP veteran Tor Mikkel Wara should top the Oslo Progress Party’s list for the general election next year. This is clear from the nomination committee’s final recommendation, which was sent out on Friday. FpU leader Simen Velle is in second place, while the high-profile Oslo politician Aina Stenersen has third place. Oslo FpU leader Angelika Bjørnerud is fourth. – We are proud to submit a proposed list of candidates who we believe will represent the party and Oslo’s residents in an outstanding way, says chairman of the nomination committee, Arve Lønnum. The final list proposal is similar to the preliminary draft of the first six places. FRP has only one parliamentary representative from Oslo in the current period, Christian Tybring-Gjedde. He has said no to re-election. The nomination meeting will be held on 12 October at Laholmen Hotell in Strømstad.
