From this weekend, electric cars can drive in the public transport lane on the E18 again at weekends – Greater Oslo

Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) confirms this. news meets him at a bus stop at E18 in Bærum. Queuing is fast here. Lately, rush hour queues have gotten worse and there are long queues on Sunday evenings as well. Commuters have complained and crisis meetings have been held. In the end, Nygård decided: Electric cars will be allowed to enter public transport lanes again. Asker – Lysaker That on the line from Asker to Lysaker tomorrow, Saturday 7 September. The signs are in place. – There is reason to be grateful that the Swedish Road Administration has worked quickly on this here. – So then we hope it will at least help on the weekends where it has been a significant challenge for this region, says the transport minister. He says that the weekend opening only happens on E18. Then the other access roads to Oslo will come in a little while. NEW SIGNS: Project manager in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Halvard Gavelstad, and Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) will open on Saturday and Sunday, but not Monday to Friday. Photo: Christopher Isachsen Sandøy / news Not good enough The mayors of Asker and Bærum and the county mayor of Akershus believe that opening the bus lane is not good enough. They point out that it does not help all those who stomp in queues on a daily basis. At the crisis meeting last week, they were clear that electric cars with at least two passengers should be allowed to use public transport lanes at all times. In addition to reducing congestion, local politicians want to encourage carpooling. – There are still queues five out of seven days a week. Is it relevant to do something on weekdays as well? – Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity in the Operatunnel to release on weekdays. Therefore, together with the local authorities, and together with the public transport operators, we must try to find good solutions for people to get to and from where they are going. – And then we must also encourage the municipalities to see if there are things they can do to prevent us from getting overflow traffic into people’s living environments, says Jon-Ivar Nygård. Closed Ring 1 The electric cars were thrown out of the public transport lanes to reduce car traffic to and in Oslo. Ring 1 has been closed there for three years. The road is closed in connection with the construction of the new government quarter: the Hammersborg Tunnel will be secured against terrorism and lowered ten metres. Published 06.09.2024, at 13.30 Updated 06.09.2024, at 13.51
