Tromsø municipality is to cut man-years – there have been far more than last year – news Troms and Finnmark

The case in summary: Tromsø municipality announced a cut of 150 man-years due to financial challenges, but has instead increased by 159 man-years compared to the same period last year. The municipal director justifies the increase with variable employees, including holiday substitutes, and believes that the measures are starting to have an effect. Mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen (Ap) believes it is important to look at the figures as a whole, including the use of substitutes, and that it is too early to say anything about the budget for next year. Group leader Markus Akselbo (H) is concerned that the red-green governing parties will increase the property tax to make the budgets go up. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Blood-red economic figures have led to notice of powerful measures in Tromsø municipality. At the same time, the opposition has demanded an investigation into last year’s deficit of a quarter of a billion kroner. Among the measures to get the municipal finances in order is a cut in 150 man-years. But now the pain has gotten worse. Recent figures show that the municipality has increased by more man-years than they have to cut. This compared with the same period last year. – It worries me that the man-year development, i.e. the number of employees, is at such a level as it appears here. There are somewhat uncertain numbers now after the joint holiday with holiday closures and holiday substitutes, but it looks like we have started the measures too late. We should have finished and made a bigger reduction when more than half the year has passed, says Markus Akselbo, group leader for Tromsø Høyre, to news. REACTS: The right-wing group leader in Tromsø, Markus Akselbo, is not satisfied with the process in the ongoing work being done to cut expenses in the municipality. Photo: Pål Hansen / news 5640 man-years On average, there have been over 100 more man-years in the municipality so far this year compared to 2023. Compared to the period up to August last year, the figures are far worse for the municipality. Until August last year, the municipality had an average of 5,640 man-years, which is 159 fewer than the same period this year. This does not harmonize with the municipality’s finances, Akselbo believes. – You would think that, when we were made aware of the financial situation already in February this year, we would have come further. TOP MANAGER: Municipal director Stig Tore Johnsen. Photo: Hans L. Andreassen / news Blame on holiday temporary workers In a recent financial report, the municipal director Stig Tore Johnsen explains the increase primarily with variable employees, including holiday temporary workers. That argument meets with little understanding from Akselbo. – In any case, I think we should have been much closer to the average figures per month when we have known this since February, he says. Johnsen himself denies to news that they have more temporary workers this year than in 2023. The report shows that the municipality has reduced the number of permanent employees by 32 since the start of 2024, and 50 employees since the measures were adopted. Johnsen believes it is important to look at the municipality’s total personnel costs as a whole. – In health and care, we have made dramatic improvements. This is by reducing the costs of temporary workers to less than half compared to 2022, he says, and points out that the use of overtime has also been cut. Johnsen does not agree with Akselbo that the municipality started its cuts too late. – It is necessarily the case that it takes time to see the effects of it. But whether we got started late or not… At least we think things now indicate that we are on the right track, he says. MAYOR: The Labor Party’s Gunnar Wilhelmsen has been mayor of Tromsø since October 2019. Photo: Aurora Ytreberg Meløe / news Tromsø mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen (Ap) believes that the important thing now is to reduce man-years and the use of temporary workers in the municipality. – The sum of that will be a good subsidy to get the economy back on track, says Wilhelmsen. On 17 September, the municipal administration will present fresh financial figures to the chairmanship of the municipality, news has been informed. Could be more Akselbo himself expresses concern that the red-green governing parties, as he believes they are in the habit of doing to get the budgets up, are going to increase the property tax. – Now it looks quite tough, and the measures that have been tried to implement have obviously not had enough effect, he says. Wilhelmsen states that a possible increase in property tax has so far not been mentioned in the budget work. – Can you guarantee that it won’t be? – No, but you must take into account that we must have a process. We are a collegium consisting of five parties that must agree on the direction. I am sure that 150 man-years is not enough. – So there could be more man-years that have to be cut? – No, I’m sure of it. But, as I said, we must have a process. We have not progressed far in the budget work, but it must be prioritized. Different things must be looked at, says Wilhelmsen, and states that the budget will be adopted in December. Marching order to the administration The Tromsø mayor himself does not understand the criticism from the Conservative Party. – If the decision for the Conservative Party’s budget had been for 2023, then we would have had 24 million more in deficit. The Conservative Party’s alternative budget is exactly the same as the Labor Party’s. It is only a matter of a little adjustment of income and expenses, so it is falling on its own unreasonableness to say. Furthermore, he points out that the majority in the municipal council has given a clear marching order to the administration. – The municipal board has decided to cut 150 positions, take an extraordinary dividend, look at travel, courses and conferences, and look at reducing the frame. Published 06.09.2024, at 06.01
