Ballestad UIL was visited by Manchester City coach Guardiola – Latest news – news

A-team coach for Ballstad’s senior team Eirin Sørensen had an experience out of the ordinary on Thursday evening. She is a coach at Ballstad IL in Lofoten. When there were ten minutes left in the session, Manchester City coach/manager Pep Guardiola appeared. – I was very proud where I stood. Went over and took him by the hand. Said welcome to Ballstad stadium. He smiled and had a firm hand grip, says Sørensen. – I’m still upset, I’m not going to sleep tonight, she says to news on Thursday evening. She describes the meeting as “very big” – I blew off the session and the whole team came running towards him. Players aged 15–47. Even the oldest became young again! Everyone wanted to take selfies. He was very accommodating. Wanted to take a group photo with everyone. According to Lofotposten, Guardiola is on holiday in the area.
