Ordered a French book – received four kilos of medicine for African sleeping sickness – news Nordland

The case in summary: Camilla Rostad from Svolvær received a package of medicines instead of the French book she had ordered. The package contained ampoules of the medicine Eflornithine, which is used against African sleeping sickness. The package had been sent from MSF Logistique, a department of Doctors Without Borders, and was actually going to Dr. Jose Ramon Franco at the WHO in Geneva. DHL stated that the error occurred at one of the control points in Europe, and that such errors rarely occur. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. You order something online. Time passes. You might forget it a little. Then comes the message; finally the package has arrived. Exciting! 😁 On Tuesday this week, French teacher Camilla Rostad got that feeling. The cartoon version of the French book “The Stranger.” had finally arrived in Svolvær. – Great, it’s guaranteed to be the book, she thought. The package was marked with Camilla’s name and address. Photo: Camilla Rostad / Privat Men: – It was a very large package for a small book, she says to news. In the mysterious cardboard box was something completely different from a book written by a Nobel Prize winner. Have you ordered something but received something completely different? Yes, it has happened once! Yes, it has happened several times!! Fortunately, I have always received what I have ordered. Show result Chip with alarm Rostad agreed with the driver of the logistics company DHL that the package could be left at the door of the house. When she got home, she immediately noticed that the package was both large and heavy. Nevertheless; her name was on the outside of the package – and the sender was the bookseller in France. – I didn’t study the outside very carefully. And the person who had delivered the package had delivered it to the right address, she says to news. Camilla Rostad quickly got busy when she realized what was in the package. Photo: Camilla Rostad / Private French teacher, who is also the first candidate for the Socialist Left Party in Vågan, excitedly opened the mysterious cardboard box, which weighed a whopping 4 kilos. – There were many small boxes of medicines, and they were not allowed to get below 15 degrees and not above 25 degrees. A small chip with a display and an alarm system for temperature was also included. – It made me stressed. The medicines did not have to be frozen either. Photo: Camilla Rostad / Privat Legen i Genève This is not the first time a strange mix-up of packages has happened in Svolvær. In 2011, Laila ordered a jacket, but got poo. At the time, she therefore quickly realized that poo is not a jacket. 13 years later, Rostad quickly realized that medicine is not a book. – It was simply a pile of quite a few small ampoules. The active substance in the medicines is Eflornithine hydrochloride. Photo: Camilla Rostad / Privat How did the medicines end up at Rostad’s, and where were they actually going? In the cardboard box there was also a packing list, which gives some answers: The sender is MSF Logistique, a department of Doctors Without Borders. The department is, among other things, responsible for the purchase, storage and distribution of medical equipment. The package was going to the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. More specifically, it was destined for a doctor named Jose Ramon Franco. The packing list is dated 23 August 2024. Photo: Camilla Rostad / Private Like most teachers, Rostad is both efficient and interested. First she contacted DHL, so they could pick up the package as quickly as possible. She then started some detective work. – The doctor mentioned researches neglected tropical diseases. African sleeping sickness and unwanted hair growth news has made repeated attempts to get in touch with Dr. Jose Ramon Franco, without success. An article from the WHO entitled “The world prepares to eliminate sleeping sickness by 2020” mentions Franco. There he is referred to as a medical officer at the Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the WHO. African sleeping sickness has since been eliminated in a number of countries, and the WHO congratulated the African country of Chad on its successful elimination last June this year. Sleeping sickness is transmitted through small parasites that can be spread through the bite of the tsetse fly. This photo is from Ethiopia. Photo: AP But why is it interesting to talk about African sleeping sickness? The medicine Rostad received in the post was to be used against African sleeping sickness. – The medicines Rostad has received were probably to be used to treat African sleeping sickness, says Berit Sofie Hembre, senior physician in the Directorate for Medical Products to news. Berit Sofie Hembre says she hopes the medicines arrive in Switzerland unharmed. Photo: The Directorate for Medical Products She adds that the drug Rostad received is for intravenous use, and not available in Norway: – Norwegian hospital doctors must apply to the Directorate for Medical Products for use, and the pharmacy wholesalers must apply for permission to import the drug from the WHO. The active ingredient Eflornithine is also used to combat unwanted facial hair growth in women. – To treat unwanted hair growth, the cream Vaniqa is available in Norway. It can be obtained on prescription from the doctor, says Hembre. More about African sleeping sickness Sleeping sickness occurs in parts of Africa. The infection comes from tsetse flies. The disease begins as a non-specific febrile illness, and untreated the disease is fatal. It is classified as a neglected disease by the WHO and great efforts have been made since the beginning of the 2000s to combat it. Since 2018, fewer than 1,000 annual cases have been reported. Over 60 percent of these came from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is difficult to prevent – as the only thing that works is to avoid tsetse fly bites. Local people usually know where there are most tsetse flies, so that you can avoid the flies to a certain extent by following local advice. There is no vaccine. If the disease has been diagnosed, treatment must start as soon as possible. Source: FHI On her way to her rightful owners Camilla Rostad has neither African sleeping sickness, unwanted facial hair nor any other need for hundreds of Eflornithine ampoules. The package has been returned with DHL, and hopefully they will find the package’s rightful owner. – It seems that the shipment, which was going to Switzerland, was mislabeled at one of the control points in Europe, says Linda Bengtsson in DHL to news. She points out that it is a regrettable situation, but that fortunately it rarely occurs. – The medicines were quickly retrieved and have now been sent to the correct recipient in Switzerland. But what about the book? – I have no idea where it is. Hopefully it will arrive, and I doubt that it will be in Geneva, Rostad replies. Fortunately, Bengtsson at DHL can reassure you – the book will be delivered in Lofoten as soon as possible. Published 05.09.2024, at 20.13
