FRP wants to liberalize the working environment law for young people – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Haci Ömer Ölcer was sentenced earlier this week to pay a fine of NOK 20,000, after he let two 17-year-old boys work after 9 p.m., and sometimes at night, in his kebab restaurant. The fine was initially 75,000, but was cut sharply during the proceedings in the Telemark district court. Haci Ömer Ölcer, operator of Topp kebab in Notodden, had to pay a fine because he let 17-year-olds work at night. Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) thinks it is hopeless. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug thinks it is incomprehensible that employers should be punished for letting young people work at night. – Completely pointless, she says. Want to change the law The FRP wants, on the contrary, that the Working Environment Act must be changed, and that those aged 15 and over should be able to work until late at night if they wish. – I think it’s fantastic that 17-year-olds want to work in the evening. It is a much bigger problem that over 100,000 young people between the ages of 20 and 30 are out of work. Sylvi Listhaug, leader of the Frp. Photo: Peder Bergholt / news – It gives good attitudes and insight into the value of money. We should facilitate this, instead of shutting them out through rigid legislation, believes Listhaug. – Don’t 16-year-olds benefit from being at home and sleeping at night? – I think 16-year-olds benefit from working. At least that is my attitude towards my children, says the Frp leader. – Extra money is great At Menstad junior high school in Skien, news meets four teenagers in the relevant age group. They agree when we ask what they think about night work for 15-year-olds. Fillip Rødsand, Oskar Juve, Alma Schrøder Hustad and Aurora Rollag Erikssen at Menstad secondary school. Photo: Fredrik Pedersen / news – If we think it’s okay, and the parents are on board, then it’s good that we get a job, says Aurora Rollag Erikssen (15). She does not think any lack of night’s sleep will be a problem. Classmate Fillip Rødsand (15) agrees. – Maybe you can do it at weekends? A little extra money is good, he believes. Oskar Juve – When you’re 15 you have to tolerate working at night. I would like to believe that I can focus on work and school at the same time. Fillip Rødsand – We have enough energy to work. Especially at weekends. I don’t fall asleep until twelve o’clock anyway. More money is yours. Alma Schrøder Hustad – I play football, but I think it would be good to be able to work a bit after training. I am often awake for quite a long time. Aurora Rollag Erikssen – I agree with Sylvi. It should go well. There aren’t many 15-year-olds who go to bed early anyway. It would have been nice to be able to earn a little extra. Wants to protect the young LO strongly disagrees with Listhaug. Among other things, Sindre Hornnes leads the organisations’ summer patrol, which visits young people at work. Sindre Hornnes, LO. Photo: Aslak Borgersrud – We see that the burden for many is very great. There must therefore be limits to how much you can work and how late you can work. When what the Working Environment Act is based on shows that this is harmful to health, we think it is wise that the youngest are protected, says Hornnes. – It is also about young people having a good encounter with working life, and being able to work for a lifetime, he says. This, Listhaug believes, testifies to a lack of trust in the young. – It must be up to the young people themselves and the employer to figure this out. They manage that just fine, without LO interfering, she says. – Greater risk Per Olav Skurdal Hopsø (Ap), State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor and Inclusion, believes the Working Environment Act is good. Per Olav Skurdal Hopsø (Ap), State Secretary. Photo: Peder Martin Bergholt / news – We want to make it possible for young people to work, but when it comes to night work we know that this involves greater risk, and we have to be more careful about it, he says. However, he does not ignore the fact that the law can be adjusted somewhat. They have just received a committee report that looks at night work in the retail trade, but he believes that this also has a transfer to many other sectors of working life. – It will be sent out for consultation, and we will also come back to what we think about night work when that consultation round is finished, he says to news. Hello! Do you have thoughts about the case you have read, or input on cases news should check out? Feel free to send me an email! Published 05.09.2024, at 19.31
