We advise against swimming in the Oslo Fjord after rain due to sewage – Greater Oslo

Find the shorts and sandals. The southern heat will arrive on Thursday and it could actually become a heat record nationally. – It is exciting to see how high we get on the scale. It was over 30 degrees in the south of Sweden yesterday and that is the air that is heading towards us now, says state meteorologist John Smits. The super weather comes after a heavy downpour – for several days it has been pouring down all over Eastern Norway. Now that the heat is here, perhaps a dip is tempting? But there is only one problem – if you live in the capital. The water has brought with it an unpleasant bathing companion. Sewage. Jump in the sea, right? Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news The sewer overflows The problem arises when it rains a lot in a short time. – We advise against swimming for up to a day after heavy rain. This is because we know that with a lot of rain, the likelihood of bacteria in the fjord increases. That’s what Hans Kristian Daviknes, specialist responsible for bathing water monitoring in Oslo municipality, says. The bacteria the bath manager is talking about come from your home, more precisely the dosing bowl. The drain in Oslo can only remove a limited amount of water. When the capacity is exceeded, sewage is sent into rivers such as Alnaelva and Akerselva. Contaminated water from food, iodine use and faeces from wild animals can also end up in the fjord. It can be smart to switch your morning bath with a night bath. Unless you want to swim in the water you see in the picture here then? Photo: Heiko Junge / SCANPIX Can end in vomiting and diarrhea These bacteria are not just unsightly – they can also cause illness. There is a particular build-up of E. coli in the water which can cause stomach and intestinal infections, more specifically vomiting and diarrhoea. The skin may also become irritated. This applies in particular to young children and people with reduced immunity, liver disease or sensitive skin. – If you absolutely have to bathe, then try as much as possible to avoid swallowing water. That is my best advice, says Daviknes. It is also a good idea to shower as soon as possible after the dip. He also adds that the longer you wait, the fewer bacteria there are in the water. Watered out after a few days Most bacteria actually die after 24 hours, even faster if there is a lot of sunshine – It simply takes time for them to disappear. That’s why we say that, after a day, it’s usually safe to swim again, says Jean-Yves Gallardo, head of communications at the Water and Wastewater Agency. CHECK: During the summer months, the bathing water is checked. After heavy rainy days, the quality is often poor in the inner part of the fjord. But if you absolutely must swim, the smartest thing is to go as far out into the fjord as possible. – Maybe out on one of the islands or Huk for example. The worst places are bathing places near the outlets of rivers and streams. For example, deep in the harbor basin, such as Bjørvika and Sørenga Do you plan to swim today? No thanks, listen to the experts’ advice 🦠 Of course I will! Must have my morning bath 🏊 Bathing only when the water temperature is above 25 ☀ Show result Go to the forest But maybe it can’t wait? When the sun is hot and the sweat is pouring, a dip can become a necessity. Then the solution may be to go to the woods. According to the Norwegian Environment Agency, it is safer to go swimming in the lakes in the field. The further into the field you go, the better the water quality, and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find some of the forest’s gold along the way. IN BAG AND CANOE: In the field there are several bathing waters where the chance of encountering intestinal bacteria is much lower. Photo: Eva Cecilie Simensen / DNT Oslo and Surroundings In any case, there will be more swimming days because the fine weather will be here this weekend. According to the state meteorologist, Eastern Norway will experience the same terrible weather on Friday. – On Saturday, there may be a little more cloud, but there will also be high temperatures. Sunday is a little more uncertain, says the state meteorologist. Your browser does not support the embedding of external content Published 05.09.2024, at 08.08 Updated 05.09.2024, at 12.28
