Bollestad says no to re-election to the Storting – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Former KrF leader Olaug Bollestad writes on her Facebook page on Thursday that this will be her last term in the Storting. – When I now draw the final conclusion about re-election or not, it is not about either the notification case, lack of commitment or faith in KrF’s policy, she writes. Bollestad further writes that she understands the picture and reads the signals that have been given, and has therefore decided to decline re-election as the Storting representative for Rogaland from 2025. – I will now do my part to gradually be able to return to the Storting to complete the assignment which the voters in Rogaland have given me, she writes. From Bollestad’s Facebook account. Photo: Skjermdump Bollestad therefore declines re-election as parliamentary representative for Rogaland KrF from 2025. Ulstein: – She has been important Acting party leader Dag Inge Ulstein says this to news: – Olaug has done a great and important job for KrF for many years. On behalf of the entire party, I would like to say thank you very much. Ulstein says her political commitment to those who need it most has permeated her entire political commitment. – I am glad that she will stand for KrF in the last year until the election. Olaug has created great enthusiasm and motivation in the party organisation, and she has been important in the work to strengthen KrF’s policy in the field of health and care for the elderly. Not least, she did a great job for both KrF and Norwegian agriculture in government. Acting party leader for KrF, Dag Inge Ulstein. Photo: Hanna Johre / news Solberg says Bollestad will be missed Party leader Erna Solberg in the Conservative Party thinks it is sad that Bollestad is refusing re-election. – I know very little about what has happened internally in KrF in recent weeks, but I hope they manage to come out of a difficult time strengthened, she says to news. She says Bollestad will be missed. – Fortunately, she still has a year left in the halls of the Storting, and I am absolutely sure that she will stand up for the best for her party in the future as well. Party leader in the Conservative Party, Erna Solberg. Photo: Peder Martin Bergholt / news I think Norwegian politics needs people like Bollestad – I would like to see her take another term. I think Norwegian politics needs politicians with her varied background, says KrF central board member Hans Olav Syversen to news. He says Bollestad is colorful and not what many associate with the typical “politician type”. – This is sad considering the close and good cooperation we have had, whether it has been in the party, in Parliament or in government. Central board member Hans Olav Syversen in KrF. He says those who after 2025 get the pleasure of Bollestad’s enthusiasm and labor force are lucky. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix Geir Toskedal is a party veteran from Karmøy with seven years in the Storting. He has been a member of KrF for 50 years. Even if he reacts to what is happening in the party, it is out of the question to resign. – I understand Olaug Bollestad’s choice in this demanding situation, but I am most disappointed by the treatment she has received from the party. What is happening in Oslo is difficult to understand as we know Olaug. – This is not good for the party and a very inappropriate situation, he says. news has tried to contact Bollestad, without getting any answers. Resigns as party leader Bollestad chose on 22 August to resign as party leader of KrF. This decision came after a seven-hour meeting in the party’s central board. – My own choice, said Bollestad. There has been a storm around the former party leader in recent weeks. In August, she gave a defense speech at a party meeting. Here she accused both deputy leaders and the general secretary of a coup. On Wednesday 14 August it became known that a notice had been received against Bollestad. The warning was about problems surrounding her leadership style. She is currently on sick leave until September. By virtue of her position as first deputy leader, Dag-Inge Ulstein is the new acting party leader in KrF. Published 05.09.2024, at 08.51 Updated 05.09.2024, at 09.43
