Orange warning for torrential rain and local flooding – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

On Monday, three yellow danger warnings were issued for torrential rain, flood risk and landslide and flood risk for Southern and Eastern Norway. The danger warnings have now all been upgraded from yellow to orange level. The heavy rainfall is expected throughout the afternoon, and is expected to subside on Wednesday morning. Between 50 and 60 millimeters of rain can fall in some places within 12 hours. The meteorologists warn against local flooding and difficult driving conditions. Meteorologist on duty, Iselin Skjervagen says that there will be rain all over southern Norway, in addition to several places in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. But it is southern Norway that is expected to receive the heaviest rain. Exactly where in Southern and Eastern Norway the storm will hit hardest, the meteorologist cannot say anything about. – Think of it like boiling water in a pot. It is as difficult as saying something about where the first bubble will appear, she says. The Meteorological Institute warns, among other things, of stormwater in densely built-up areas, local floods and changes in river courses. In addition, there is a risk of lightning and thunder. Large variations in intensity and quantity are expected, and the weather can change quickly. YELLOW DANGER WARNING: The Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow hazard warning for torrential rain. Photo: Meteorological institute Danger of floods and landslides The orange danger warning for floods applies from Tuesday evening, and the danger decreases again on Thursday morning. The flow of water in small and medium-sized rivers is expected to increase rapidly, which may lead to local flooding. In addition, there is a warning on that landslides may occur in connection with the large amounts of rainfall. Exposed track and road sections may be closed. Difficult driving conditions The amount of precipitation will also lead to difficult driving conditions. – Some places will get quite a lot of water on the road, quite simply. There may be a risk of aquaplaning. Skjervagen advises everyone within the notified area to stay at home if they can, and to avoid unnecessary travel. For those who need to get out on the road, the advice is as always: – Adjust your speed and drive according to the conditions. – And don’t drive a car in water that is deeper than 30 cm, she adds. The danger of storm water from streams and rivers, and lightning strikes can also lead to closed roads. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute advises people to check the weather forecast often. The big picture: Climate change brings more torrential rain Have you thought that summer days are more often interrupted by a sudden, intense downpour? Then you are right. Climate change has already led to an increase in extreme precipitation in Europe and Norway, according to the UN Climate Panel and the Norwegian Climate Service Center. Why is it raining more as the world warms? Swipe to read more. Javier Ernesto Auris Chavez / news The rain is gathering Man-made emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases have already made the world warmer. When it is warm, water evaporates into the atmosphere. A warmer climate also means that the atmosphere can hold more water, according to the climate panel. Therefore, a warmer world leads to more intense precipitation, especially in the summer. How much more torrential rain have we received? There has been both more rain and more torrential rain in Europe in recent years years, and it is linked to climate change, according to the UN climate panel. In Norway, too, the number of torrential rains, and the amount of rain that comes, has increased in recent decades. At Blindern, twice as many torrential rains have been measured as before, but the measurements are uncertain. How much worse will it get? So far, the world has become around 1.1 degrees warmer since pre-industrial times. For every degree the world gets warmer, the researchers expect almost a doubling of the number of extreme precipitation events. With today’s climate policy, the world is headed for 2.8 degrees of warming, according to UNEP. Brighter towards the weekend Although it looks like it will be a rainy working week for most of the country, there is a glimmer of hope towards the weekend. – It will be a wet week for many until Thursday, but then there will perhaps be a little less rain and better temperatures again towards the weekend, writes the Meteorological Institute on X (Twitter). Published 02.09.2024, at 13.04 Updated 03.09.2024, at 13.10
