Morten Hegseth and Linnéa Myhre have started blogging again – news Culture and entertainment

– I think that we are missing real content. And then blogging is a golden opportunity to get it back, says Morten Hegseth. The well-known presenter is tired of quick videos on TikTok, and pictures with short texts on Instagram. Now Hegseth has started with longer texts again. But he writes neither a book nor a newspaper commentary, as before. Now it’s the blog that matters. – A book is the most difficult thing in the world, and when you write comments in a newspaper you cannot change your mind the next day. A blog is a kind of in-between. This is what the blogs looked like 10 years ago. Photo: screenshot / news 10 years ago there were over 300,000 blogs in Norway, according to the TV2 program “The Bloggers”. Well-known names such as Sophie Elise, Caroline Berg Eriksen and Anna Rasmussen had several hundred thousand readers a week. But then many of the biggest bloggers stopped, and opted for other platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok instead. Less money in blogging In the VGTV program “Panelet” with Morten Hegseth and Vegard Harm, a separate feature was even made about the “Death of Blogs” in 2020. – People gave in because there was an easier and more economical way to convey content ; social media, says Hegseth. Sophie Elise wrote her last blog post in 2020. Anna Rasmussen, known to many as the blogger “Mamma til Michelle”, gave up the same year. Lene Orvik had been blogging for 10 years when she gave up. Julianne Nygård joined the ranks of bloggers who gave up in 2020. But now Hegseth himself has started blogging again. And he is not completely alone. Former top blogger Linnéa Myhre has also made a comeback. On Instagram, Myhre jokes that there is not as much money to be made in blogging as before: There is not as much money to be made from writing a blog as before, we are to believe Linnéa Myhre. Photo: Screenshot Sofie Nilsen: – Have considered starting again The title of Myhre’s first post in 15 years is: “Blogging is back”. But is it, is it? Are we seeing the start of a new blog wave in Norway? A few days after Hegseth and Myhre had made a “blogging comeback”, influencer and former blogger Sofie Karoline Nilsen posted this on Snapchat: Sofie Nilsen hopes blogging will be big again. Photo: Screenshot When asked if Nilsen would also like to start again, she replies as follows: – I have considered it many times, but it has somehow just come to mind. Although I loved blogging, it also came with some downsides that I haven’t missed. With back pages, Nilsen is particularly referring to ugly comments. She is uncertain about her own blogging future: – I don’t quite know what it will take for me to start again. Maybe one day I’ll feel like it, who knows? Halvor Harsem, perhaps better known as “King Halvor”, has blogged irregularly since 2009. The last time he wrote a post was in January this year. Halvor Harsem has blogged on and off for 15 years. He hopes more people will start with longer and more content-rich texts. Photo: Privat He is happy that Hegseth and Myhre have started blogging again: – I don’t know if it creates a blog wave that they start blogging, but in general I hope that both creators and consumers of social media regain interest for longer and more content-rich texts and films – than the destructive eternal swiping and doom scrolling in, for example, TikTok and Instagram. Comparing media trends with clothes Blogs can come back again, but not in quite the same way as before, Gunn Enli believes. She is professor of media studies at the University of Oslo. Enli compares media trends to clothes: – When fashion trends come back, they come back – but in a new form. Never quite the same as before. It’s the same with the media. They will come back, but in a slightly new outfit and adapted to the times we live in. – The blog will come back, but in a new outfit, says media researcher Gunn Enli. Photo: Tom Balgaard / news Morten Hegseth also believes that some things will be different. For example, he does not think the blogs will contain as much fashion and advertising as before. But he believes they will be smarter and more thorough than before. Morten Hegseth believes the blog will emerge smarter than before. Photo: Robert Rønning / Robert Rønning / news – In the same way that more and more people pick up the LP player because it is both nostalgic and better, blogging is in many ways the internet’s LP record. Better, tiring and nostalgic – but it will probably never become dominant in the same way as before. Published 02.09.2024, at 12.43 Updated 02.09.2024, at 12.52
