The festival sausages went up in smoke – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Svein Finstad, who runs a hot dog shop by Vollane beach in Horten, experienced a great loss when the fireworks concert was canceled due to bad weather. He had bought enough goods to feed several thousand people, but for security reasons the concert was cancelled. Finstad is now left with many sausages which he cannot return to the shop as they are fresh produce. He is now trying to sell the sausages at half price, and is considering giving them away to an association if that doesn’t help. Despite the situation, Finstad says he never gets tired of sausages. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Svein Finstad was supposed to feed the audience, but he played a real prank on the weather gods. That even with sausages. He is the commander in chief of the tiny hot dog shop by Vollane beach in Horten, which he runs on behalf of Vestfold music forum. Last Friday everything went wrong. Pølsebua usually sells thousands of sausages during the event. It didn’t work out that way this year. Photo: Robert Hansen / news The fireworks concert canceled What was supposed to be the biggest party of the year, with music and fireworks, even with despair. He had bought goods to feed several thousand people, but then the traditional fireworks concert was suddenly canceled due to bad weather. The empty stage at Vollane in Horten. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – Never in my wildest dreams had I dreamed that the concert would be cancelled, he sighs. Horten municipality had no choice. The 31st edition had to be canceled for security reasons. Marinemusikken, Sigvart Dagsland and Karoline Krüger never made it onto the stage. It flaps empty in the rain and strong wind, directly below the green-painted kiosk of Finstad. It was a real storm this Friday, with strong wind, rain and storm surge. This picture is from Fjærholmen in Vestfold. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – When a storm was reported in the casta and the stage was vibrating and the kiosk was creaking, we had our suspicions that this would go wrong, Finstad admits. The crisis was a fact, and the best day of the year blew away. Left with piles of sausages Now Finstad is left with an ever so small mountain of sausages. – I cannot deliver them back to the store, because they are fresh produce. Photo: Robert Hansen / news In previous years, the Fireworks Concert was organized in June, but this summer it was moved to August. Among other things, not to scare the bird life in the area. – Before, we could have sold the sausages throughout the summer, but now we close in a week. So I don’t quite know how I’m going to get rid of all the sausages. Luck with the waffle batter A small glimmer of light in the whole thing is that he managed to save the waffle batter. He actually thought of making it the night before, but his wife persuaded him to do it in the morning instead. This is what it would have looked like if the concert had gone as planned. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – A quarter of an hour before we were to start making the røra, we received a message that the concert was probably postponed. So I fortunately avoided pouring out 50 liters of waffle batter! – What are you doing now with the sausages? – I try to sell them at half price, together with a can of soft drink. If that doesn’t help, I may have to give them away to an association. – Are you tired of sausages now? – No, no. I never get tired of sausages. Here we serve the sausages steamed in broth and bay leaves. With toasted bread, freshly chopped onions and mustard and ketchup, it couldn’t be better, says Finstad. Published 01.09.2024, at 07.50
