Parent couple from Sunnmøre charged with violence in close relationships – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

After a five-year-old baby died last week, the police have launched an investigation into the child’s parents. The parents live in Sunnmøre. The child was autopsied at St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim. – We have received a preliminary autopsy report from the hospital, but I do not wish to go into detail about the contents, says police attorney Julie Ulstein in the Møre og Romsdal police district, who is leading the investigation. The charges were presented in Møre og Romsdal District Court with a demand for detention for four weeks with letters and visit control. Møre and Romsdal District Court has decided on custody for the father of the child, the decision for the mother will not come until later this afternoon. Police attorney Ulstein says that they are in the initial phase of the investigation, and that the charges against the two are preliminary. Kripos will assist the police in Møre and Romsdal in the investigation. Were arrested by the police The accused were arrested by the police on Wednesday evening, and sat in court on Thursday afternoon, and do not admit criminal guilt. The father’s lawyer, Sjur Engelsen Lange, will not comment on the case, but confirms to news that the client does not admit criminal guilt. The mother’s lawyer, Axel Lange, cannot say anything about what came out in the police interview and during the court hearing. – She is shocked by the charges and does not admit criminal guilt. She cooperates with the police, he says to news. He says they have received little information from the police about the background to the charges and what is the basis. – We are in an initial phase in the case. I or my client know little about what information the police have, says Lange.
